Written by Richard Igoe

One important aspect of good design is to give your site a theme and coherence. A great deal of this can be done using a stylesheet.

Using stylesheets is not difficult. In fact it makesrepparttar task of designing a website that much easier. However many new designers don't use them.

But before dispelling some ofrepparttar 134585 confusion, let us look atrepparttar 134586 advantages of using CSS - cascading style sheets.


1) You can use an external stylesheet to controlrepparttar 134587 look and appearance of your whole website, such asrepparttar 134588 font size, style, and color,repparttar 134589 background image,repparttar 134590 background color, etc... by changing a single file. You don't need to edit every page.

2) Linking to a stylesheet reducesrepparttar 134591 size of your web pages and gives you much cleaner HTML code because you don't need to specifyrepparttar 134592 font, color, or "style" of every element on your page.

3) Web pages are displayed differently on different browsers and platforms. For example a 10pt font looks fine on a PC but becomes too small on a Mac. You can use a browser-detection script inrepparttar 134593 header of your pages which will link to a different stylesheet depending on which browser is being used.

The rest of this article assumes you have a basic understanding of HTML tags,repparttar 134594 code behind your web pages. If not you can get our simple HTML tutorial at -

Now using stylesheets is actually easier than HTML. The main cause of confusion is that you can either link your web pages to an external stylesheet, or you can includerepparttar 134595 style sheet inrepparttar 134596 header of individual web pages inside STYLE tags. Web design software does not always make this clear unless you readrepparttar 134597 HELP pages in detail. Forget your web design software for a moment, because it is easier to understand stylesheets if you take a look underrepparttar 134598 surface.

An external style sheet can be as simple and powerful as this:

BODY { background-image: url(images/mybackground.gif); background-color: #FFFFFF; }

P { FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 12pt; COLOR: navy }

You copy and pasterepparttar 134599 above in Notepad, Wordpad or other text or HTML editor, and save it as "mystyle.css". Put this stylesheet inrepparttar 134600 same directory as your HTML files. Noterepparttar 134601 ".css" extension is important. Then you link your web pages to this stylesheet by puttingrepparttar 134602 following code inrepparttar 134603 HEAD area of your pages.

Website Design vs. Function

Written by John Buchanan

Easily, one ofrepparttar biggest mistakes webmasters make when first starting out onrepparttar 134584 web is inrepparttar 134585 design of their site. This is extremely understandable, considering that, inrepparttar 134586 brick and mortar world, a business's success is often dependent on it's appearance. The more money put intorepparttar 134587 look and design of a business,repparttar 134588 better it often does.

Unfortunately, this doesn't completely transfer over intorepparttar 134589 world ofrepparttar 134590 web. Inrepparttar 134591 world ofrepparttar 134592 web, there is a huge difference between creating an aesthetically pleasing site, and creating a site that is going to be functional and haverepparttar 134593 best possibility for success.

All too often, when people first begin onrepparttar 134594 web, they design their site as if to be a work of art. Making sure it has lots of beautiful graphics, fancy javascript, flash, etc. While all of these things can definitely create a beautiful site, they are also some ofrepparttar 134595 biggest hindrances to a business's success.

Onrepparttar 134596 net, there are two key things a webmaster must always keep in mind when designing a site;repparttar 134597 visitor andrepparttar 134598 search engines. If a visitor has to wait to long for a page to download or a search engine can't properly index a site, it doesn't matter how beautiful and informativerepparttar 134599 site is, it will not generaterepparttar 134600 business needed to survive, much less excel.

Let's look at a few ofrepparttar 134601 most common things you should be aware of.

*Page Size*

While broadband access is gaining ground, at least half of all internet users still use dial up connections. This means thatrepparttar 134602 majority of a sites visitors will be downloadingrepparttar 134603 pages at about 3-4 kilobytes per second.

It is estimated that if a page doesn't load within 8-10 seconds you will lose 1/3 of your visitors. That means that a page should not be any more than 30 kilobytes total including text, graphics, html, javascript, etc.

Logo's, backgrounds, and other images, are great, but if they are causing your pages to load too slowly, they are doing you more harm than good. Quite honestly, your visitors do not care about your logo, graphics, backgrounds etc. They are there for one reason and one reason see what you can offer them.

If you must use graphics keep their file size as small as possible by optimizingrepparttar 134604 graphics torepparttar 134605 utmost extent possible and keepingrepparttar 134606 image size small.

*Splash Pages/Flash Intros*

These arerepparttar 134607 bane ofrepparttar 134608 internet. If you have a splash page whether its made up of a large graphic or a pretty flash intro, you are crippling your chances. Design firms often love to talk their clients into these pages because they get to be creative (oh..and charge more).

The truth is, creating one of these pages asrepparttar 134609 entrance way to your site is one ofrepparttar 134610 single worst things you can do. Visitors hate splash pages, because they often take too long to download and they don't provide withrepparttar 134611 visitor with anything. Remember,repparttar 134612 visitor is there for one reason, to see what you have to offer them and getrepparttar 134613 information they are seeking. A huge graphic doesn't answer any of their questions, it only delays their search.

A Flash into is muchrepparttar 134614 same, while it will generally download very quickly, it still delaysrepparttar 134615 visitor in finding what he or she is looking for.

One ofrepparttar 134616 biggest rules you should remember is to keeprepparttar 134617 amount of clicks a visitor must make to get to quality information down to a bare minimum. With every successive click a visitor must make, there is more of a chance he/she will give up and go somewhere else.

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