Written by Arleen M. Kaptur

Fresh ruby red strawberries give your taste buds a treat. The juice is sweet and tantalizing. Evenrepparttar aroma of fresh berries excitesrepparttar 111587 palate and preparesrepparttar 111588 way for a great adventure in eating.

Try some of these recipes as you partake of a fruit that is luscious, beautiful in color, and heavenly in any menu plan. ENJOY!


2 cups fresh, hulled strawberries 1 cantaloupe

1 pineapple

2 cups blueberries 3 kiwi fruit

1 banana

2 oranges


1 egg

1 tbs. lime juice 1/4 cup lemon juice, freshly squeezed please 1/2 cup orange juice

1 cup sugar

Preparerepparttar 111589 sauce: Beatrepparttar 111590 egg. Place in a pan withrepparttar 111591 lime juice, lemon juice, orange juice, and sugar. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat and stir gently for 1 minute. Set aside to cool.

Removerepparttar 111592 rind fromrepparttar 111593 cantaloupe, and cut into bite-size pieces. Dorepparttar 111594 same withrepparttar 111595 pineapple, kiwi fruit, banana (dipped in a little lemon juice to avoid discoloration), and oranges. Washrepparttar 111596 strawberries before they are hulled. Washrepparttar 111597 blueberries in cold water. Place in a clear glass bowl so your guests can admirerepparttar 111598 colors. Pourrepparttar 111599 sauce overrepparttar 111600 fruit but do not stir. Allow to stand for 2-1/2 hours before serving. Stir very gently just before serving.


LAYERED STRAWBERRY DESSERT 2 cups fresh strawberries, washed, hulled and sliced 1 cup sugar

1/4 cup cornstarch 2 1/2 tbs. strawberry “jello” powder 1 cup cold water

1 3/4 cups cold milk

1 pkg. instant vanilla pudding 5 cups cubed angel food cake

2 1/2 cups whipped heavy cream

In a pan combinerepparttar 111601 “jello” powder, sugar and cornstarch. Slowly addrepparttar 111602 water and stir until smooth. Bring to a boil, cook, stirring constantly, until syrup has thickened. Remove fromrepparttar 111603 heat. Stir inrepparttar 111604 strawberry slices and set aside. In a mixer, combinerepparttar 111605 cold milk andrepparttar 111606 pudding mix. Beat on low for 2 1/2 minutes, until thickened. Set aside. In a clear glass bowl (to allowrepparttar 111607 colors to show) place half ofrepparttar 111608 angel food cubes. Also pour one-half ofrepparttar 111609 pudding overrepparttar 111610 cubes, then one-half ofrepparttar 111611 strawberry mixture, topped with one-half ofrepparttar 111612 whipped heavy cream. Repeatrepparttar 111613 process. Garnish with slivers of chocolate. Your guests will feelrepparttar 111614 luxury with every bite. **********************


1 pkg. white cake mix

1/2 cup strawberry preserves (not jelly or jam) 12 strawberries, washed, hulled and sliced

1-2 fresh peaches, sliced thinly

1 cup peach preserves

1/2 cup whipped topping

Preheat oven to 350. Grease and flour a 13/x9/2”pan. Prepare white cake mix per package instructions and bake. Split cake in half horizontally. Place bottom cake layer on serving plate. Spread this layer with strawberry preserves. Place top layer of cake over strawberry preserves. Scorerepparttar 111615 top ofrepparttar 111616 cake with knife to mark 24 servings. Alternate fresh strawberries with peach slices on alternate blocks. (Quilt design) Heatrepparttar 111617 peach preserves and strain. Brushrepparttar 111618 fruit withrepparttar 111619 warmed glaze. Garnish with whipped topping and curled chocolate strip.


Written by Arleen M. Kaptur

Barbecue season is here and everyone wants to light that fire and charcoal their next meal. A few tips might prevent your entree from becomingrepparttar next “Burnt offerings torepparttar 111586 gods.”

Make sure that your grill is on a flat surface away from shrubs, grass or any flammable material. Checkrepparttar 111587 vents to make sure that ashes are not clogging them from any previous meal preparations. Use lighter fluid starter but never gasoline or kerosene. Never wear clothing with sleeves that might catch on fire. Short sleeves arerepparttar 111588 best.

How much charcoal to use - this depends on how big your grill is, what kind of food you are preparing and weather conditions. If there are strong winds, cold temperatures or if is very humid out you will need more charcoal to get a good fire going. A rule of thumb - it takes about 45 briquets to grill 6-8 burgers.

If you don’t have a grill thermometer, you might try this. Do not let a child do this and be very careful as you would not want to get burned. Hold your hand, palm-side-down just aboverepparttar 111589 grill. Count “one thousand one, one thousand two, and so on.” If you keep your hand in place without pulling it away for 2 seconds it is a very hot fire (375), 4 seconds its a medium fire (300-350) and 5 seconds or more it is a low fire (200-300). Once again use reasonable caution when testingrepparttar 111590 heat.

If you would like to try some ofrepparttar 111591 flavored hardwoods, a general rule is that a little goes a long way. They should complement and not overpower. Always soak your hardwoods in water 30 minutes before using. When placed in your grill, they should smolder and smoke but not burn. Grapevine cuttings give great flavor as do shells from nuts such as almonds, and pecans. Small bunches of dried herbs soaked in water will add fragrance as well as flavor. Rosemary, bay leaves, and oregano are great on a grill.

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