
Written by Richard Lowe

As I watchedrepparttar television all day long today, viewingrepparttar 119042 horrible terrorist attack onrepparttar 119043 World Trade Center andrepparttar 119044 Pentagon, I asked myself whyrepparttar 119045 terrorists hadn't attackedrepparttar 119046 internet? After all, withrepparttar 119047 coming of Code Red, it was apparent to all of us inrepparttar 119048 Information Technology industry just how vulnerable our vast communication network really is.

In fact, I've read dozens of articles overrepparttar 119049 last few months explaining in great detailrepparttar 119050 concepts of cyber-warfare and cyber-terrorism. One ofrepparttar 119051 central assumptions of many of these documents isrepparttar 119052 value ofrepparttar 119053 internet is obvious to any enemy ofrepparttar 119054 United States andrepparttar 119055 rest ofrepparttar 119056 free world. It has even been argued that Code Red may very well be a form of cyber-warfare, perhaps even created by a quasi-government agency of some kind.

Nowrepparttar 119057 light has dawned and I understand a basic fact which I did not fully gasp until I saw a plane fly throughrepparttar 119058 World Trade Center building.

The job of a terrorist is to create terror.

Attacks through a communication system such asrepparttar 119059 internet do not create terror. Yes, you can do one heck of a lot of damage torepparttar 119060 American infrastructure by sending attacks throughrepparttar 119061 phone lines. You can cause electric power blackouts, banking failures and many other malicious acts.

A computer programmer shutting offrepparttar 119062 power to a city is no where near as horrifying as watching a 110 story building crumbling to dust.

What could a cyber-terrorist do?

- Shut downrepparttar 119063 stock market? The September 11th terrorists closed it down for two or more days.

- Get their attacks shown onrepparttar 119064 evening news? A cyber attack would get no where nearrepparttar 119065 coverage asrepparttar 119066 terrorists got on this day.

- Crash a jet? The terrorists did far more than that.

- Ground a few planes? The terrorists grounded every plane inrepparttar 119067 United States.

- Shut downrepparttar 119068 power grid for a city? Again, nothing compared to a real terrorist attack.

That's what we in IT miss ... we are terrified beyond belief byrepparttar 119069 failure of technology. Most people, however, do not have anywhere nearrepparttar 119070 intimate knowledge and understanding ofrepparttar 119071 shear power that we possess.

You've got to understand, terrorists are not intelligent beings. They are stupid as stones. Do you really think Usama Bin Laden is intelligent? It does not take brains to ruthlessly kill thousands of innocent human beings. A volcano or mudslide can do that just fine without a single brain cell.

Read aboutrepparttar 119072 first attack onrepparttar 119073 World Trade Center towers in 1993, and you will find out how stupid terrorists really are. These people make bricks look smart - remember, a brick can do some major damage if it hits someone inrepparttar 119074 head, but that does not make it intelligent.

Web Surfing: 404 Errors

Written by Richard Lowe

We've all received an error likerepparttar one shown below:

File not found - requested URL not found on this server

It's annoying, especially when you've searched for something and found what looks likerepparttar 119041 perfect site. At leastrepparttar 119042 description exactly matches your needs. You click and boom, a 404 error appears. Whoops. What happened to that perfect site?

There are several reasons why this error occurs. I guessrepparttar 119043 thing that you need to remember isrepparttar 119044 internet is very fluid. In fact, it changes constantly. Sometimes a site is changing while you are looking at it. I can remember several times I was examining a site and returned to a page that I had seen only moments before and found it to be different! That can be very unnerving, to sayrepparttar 119045 least.

So what sometimes happens is a webmaster changes his site around and obsoletes links. If he's a rank amateur, he'll break links within his own site. This does happen sometimes, but any webmaster worth his salt is constantly checking and rechecking his site to be sure it works and works well. After all,repparttar 119046 only way to test something is to use it. Andrepparttar 119047 only way to see if a site really works is to surf it.

More often, someone has linked to a site and that site changes. Since it can be difficult if not impossible to determine who has linked to a site, links break.

Now, really good webmasters never ever delete a page on their site. What they do is create redirect pages. Thus, if I have a page called "barbi.htm" and I want to delete it, I will modifyrepparttar 119048 page to tellrepparttar 119049 visitor it no longer exists and redirect him to another page in my site. This way I will not loose traffic simply because I've deleted or renamed a page.

This constant checking of one's own web site will also catch another common error: misspelling a hyperlink. When I create a hyperlink, I either browse torepparttar 119050 target using my web editor, or I cut and pasterepparttar 119051 link directly out of Internet Explorer. I never typerepparttar 119052 hyperlink in myself, which reducesrepparttar 119053 possibility of error greatly!

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