Customers Not Clicks!

Written by Patrick Lysons

I received an email recently from a fellow who was extremely excited aboutrepparttar hits he was getting at his web site. His claim was that he got over 70,000 hits each month. "That's nearly 1,000,000 hits per year" he proudly said, after being online only three months!

Here's what I thought: "This guy's got to be doing something right".


Sure, he was gettingrepparttar 121871 hits. He had nearly every traffic-producing tool ever imagined. Here wasrepparttar 121872 sites flaw. It didn't motivate. It contained nothing that would ever motivate a person to make a single purchase.

I sent him an email and asked how business was going. His reply was surprisingly candid. "I'm getting lots of traffic, but not making much money!"

The problem was in his approach to marketing. His aim - like that of so many other online entrepreneurs - was to attract clicks, not customers. The problem is that clicks don't make purchases - customers do!

How do you attract customers? Here are three indispensable steps that you MUST follow....


First you need to represent a product of true worth and value. If you can create you own product, that's best. If that's not a possibility your next best bet is to represent another person high value product!

How do you determinerepparttar 121873 value of a product? Here isrepparttar 121874 first and greatest rule of thumb.

Do you userepparttar 121875 product? If it isrepparttar 121876 latest and greatest herbal supplement, do you actually use it? If it is a book, have you read it? If it is a software program, do you use it?

Think about it! How can you really endorserepparttar 121877 value of a product if you don't believe in it enough to own it and endorse it?


Writing Your Own Powerful Testimonials

Written by Grady Smith

Wouldn’t you love to be able to write testimonials for use on your website that scream huge praises for your product?

Writing your own testimonials? You’ve got to be kidding! Isn’t that illegal?

I know what you’re thinking. You’re picturing some guy banging out praises for his product, then pulling names out of thin air to tag onto them. But you’ve got it half wrong.

While I have written some of my own testimonials,repparttar names below them are actual people that agree with whatrepparttar 121870 testimonial has to say.


Let me show you what I mean…

A customer purchases my product. They have a chance to look through it and make a decision about it.

About a week after their purchase, I send them a letter asking for a testimonial. But this letter is unlike any testimonial you’ve ever seen.

What I do is write a letter asking for them to pick which comment sums up their review of my product. Thenrepparttar 121871 letter continues with about five testimonials, each one reflecting a different opinion.

For instance, my first testimonial might say that they’ve made good money with my product. The second might say that they were skeptical at first, then realized after their purchase what a great product it is. A third testimonial might show what a thorough product I have and that it answered all their question. I would also have two or three other testimonials that showed and put to rest different fears a potential customer might use to not make their purchase.

A customer of mine reads throughrepparttar 121872 testimonials, and picksrepparttar 121873 one they feel is close to their own thoughts. Atrepparttar 121874 bottom ofrepparttar 121875 letter, I ask if I can use their name along withrepparttar 121876 testimonial they chose to sum up their thoughts on my website.

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