Customer Service is Dying-and I'm Not Feeling So Good Myself!

Written by Garrison Wynn

Customer Service Is Dying—and I’m Not Feeling So Good Myself! Setting goals that will take you where you want to go

By Garrison Wynn

Have you ever called a company and been greeted withrepparttar phrase “Hold, please”? How do they know you can hold? They don’t even know who you are. Maybe you can’t hold; maybe you have 10 seconds of juice left on your cell phone and your hair is on fire. Then you finally get someone onrepparttar 104752 phone, only to be told, “I can’t actually help you; I’m just paid to apologize, and I’m really sorry about that.”

Being frustrated by a lack of customer service is nothing new. It just seems that inrepparttar 104753 last few years, companies have become more innovative when it comes to not helping you solve your problems. I recently asked a hotel employee to help me with my luggage. He told me to hold on and he would have someone look into it. I thought, “Hey, you’re someone—why can’t you look into it?” I realize that we are as busy as we have ever been, and that many younger people were not brought up inrepparttar 104754 traditional culture of customer service. But none of these excuses will protect your business in today’s challenging economy, where customers are questioning value even with companies they have known for years.

Maybe it’s time to get back to basics and make service a real priority. Sure, plenty of companies claim to offer great customer care. But raising your service standards requires more than a promise; you need to set concrete goals and establish effective procedures to meet them. Whether you ownrepparttar 104755 company, handle key accounts or just accidentally encounter your customers, you’ll reap huge benefits by applyingrepparttar 104756 following customer service goals:

Onrepparttar 104757 Phone

Be friendly! No one wants to send a check to people who seem to be bothered by their call.

Ask permission before putting a caller on hold. If a customer is greeted with “Hold, please,” whatrepparttar 104758 customer really hears is “Hang on! Someone much more important than you just called in.”

Keep it professional. Smoking cigarettes, slurping a drink, and playingrepparttar 104759 drums on your desk makes callers feel like they are getting advice from a guy in a bar.

Offer less-SERVE MORE

Written by Deborah Harr

Offering less-SERVING MORE

We tend to be creatures of habit, get up at a certain time, take meals at a certain time, retirerepparttar day at a certain time....plugging through each day muchrepparttar 104751 same asrepparttar 104752 day prior.

The internet has changed a great deal since it began inrepparttar 104753 80's--the evolution has brought forward a great number of changes in our 'day to day'. The way we advertise andrepparttar 104754 way we do business has changed.

Back inrepparttar 104755 good old days, a businessperson was out there inrepparttar 104756 world, greeting and speaking with those surrounding them in their lives--most important; they were taking hold of people’s hands in a friendly shake. Many others sit behind a screen, waiting for someone to swing by their cyber-world so that they can meet them with a cyber-shake. Even though most do a great deal of internet marketing, it is very important to remember that there is a person behind that digital transfer of words through email or page.

In speaking with a friend of mine who has both an online and a brick and mortar store I asked him this morning how he felt aboutrepparttar 104757 experience he was offering to his customers these days and how important cyber-business was to him.

His answerers surprised me, but prove what many of our customers are all saying—if you takerepparttar 104758 time to listen.

Through his doors each day will pass thousands of customers—who foughtrepparttar 104759 traffic, rushing here and there to run all their errands, make it to work on time or in a hurry to get home from work. He realized that even his life had become muchrepparttar 104760 same congested rat race we all enter in to accomplish what we need each day. This past year brought many changes—all thanks to his cyber customers.

This caught me off guard for a moment—and he allowed me a few moments to digest his comment—he has always knownrepparttar 104761 importance of brilliant silence. He knew my mind was running on that last comment and awaited my response, eager to share what he meant.

So I tookrepparttar 104762 bait and asked him how his cyber-customers changed his way of thinking. Inrepparttar 104763 70’s he purchased his shop—and overrepparttar 104764 years has grown till he owns most every inch ofrepparttar 104765 block his store now resides. Throughrepparttar 104766 years he has remodeled and built some ofrepparttar 104767 most amazing layouts. The original was cluttered with rack after rack of everything he wanted to sell—it was hard to move through everything to see his wares. Let’s not forgetrepparttar 104768 80’s when everything was bright colors—still so many racks you could hardly move around. The 90’s produced some great displays of metal, track lighting and glass—still so much you could hardly move around. He said his sales were going strong offering nearly everything created underrepparttar 104769 sun, which focused on his corner ofrepparttar 104770 market so that all of his customers had everything available—if they could manage to find it.

I asked him what inrepparttar 104771 world this all had to do with his cyber-customers. He replied—“a year ago we slimedrepparttar 104772 website down, removed much ofrepparttar 104773 ‘clutter’ and got torepparttar 104774 bottom line—listing onlyrepparttar 104775 key elements and key products which his market were looking for. If they want something they can’t find, they can pick up their phones and call us—chances are we have it and can ship it right out to them”. He was proud to admit that his internet sales have tripled—even though they offer less.

This caught me off guard, he sells more in showing less? I asked him how this came about. His answer was very excited—because they have to CALL---and in calling they reach a real human being. This real human being then speaks with them on a personal level and finds out what they need and what will work for themrepparttar 104776 best for their need.

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