Customer Service - A Lost Art?

Written by Craig Binkley

Is customer service a lost art? Before you answer that question, take a moment and think aboutrepparttar last few times you have gone shopping or out to dinner. Okay, now that you have really thought about it, is your answer any different?

Why is it that when we actually DO receive excellent customer service that it makes such an impression on us that we usually choose to go back? Why - becauserepparttar 104014 occurrences are so few and far between!!!

As a home business owner, it is imperative to my business that customer service is ALWAYS a top priority. Rememberrepparttar 104015 saying: “If you don’t take care of your customer, somebody else will”. I’m sure you have read or heard it somewhere before.....and how true it is.

Here are a few ways to improve customer service at your business:

1) SMILE - Sounds too simple, right? As a customer, would you prefer to be serviced by a smiling face, or a scowl that would befit a guard dog? 2) LISTEN - Always be slow to speak and quick to listen. Let customers express themselves without you trying to do it for them. Nobody likes being interrupted. 3) DON’T BE TOO PUSHY - Yeah, I know -repparttar 104016 bottom line is sales, right? There is a fine line between suggesting products/services and pushing them down a customer’s throat. If you are too pushy, your customer will probably walk away and take their business elsewhere.

Moving message Sign

Written by T James

sMoving Message Signs are a unique, attention-grabbing way to communicate and motivate. They are used for eye-catching shop-front or under awning advertising, promotions of products or services, directing and/or welcoming customers, displaying safety and emergency information, directing customers to specific service areas or entrances etc.

Moving message signs needrepparttar most sophisticated software and hardware to enable them to make them active and run quickly. They are user friendly and easy to program a wide variety of text and graphics.

Programming important messages and changing them whenever you like usingrepparttar 104013 handy wireless remote control isrepparttar 104014 most feasible feature with which custom requirements are satisfied. Special features include user programmable logos and graphics as well as variance in flashing effects and speed.

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