Customer Focus - Just Simple 5 Things You Need to Think About

Written by Martin Haworth

In allrepparttar businesses we conduct, there are customers. And they arerepparttar 102926 life-blood to us. It's TRUE! Despite allrepparttar 102927 million and one things we are doing - we've got to have paying customers! Nevertheless, just five things will dictate success or failure. Have you got them right?

You can boil downrepparttar 102928 difference between successful businesses andrepparttar 102929 rest in how they work with their customers, in just five areas.

So, what does this mean?

  1. What They Want Selling what your customers really want is just critical. Being on good enough terms with your customers to research, (hey maybe just by chatting with them - radical idea, huh?), helps you find out how you can best serve their needs.

  2. Price is Right By balancingrepparttar 102930 kind of pricing you want to offer with exceptional service levels, there is a fascinating calculation to be made. Prices rock-bottom with inadequate attention to item 5 are not likely to bring profitable consumers rushing to your door. Providers have an ongoing dance between price and service - be aware of it. It is not possible to sustain your business with lowest prices and poor service.

  3. When They Want It Inrepparttar 102931 internet world, availability of your goods and services is measured critically far more than ever before. You may not need to be 24/7, but you certainly need to be aware of it. More traditional customers are also becoming more demanding. So businesses need to be especially sensitive torepparttar 102932 hours they trade, whether they sell goods or services, by stores and/or phone.

The Benefits Of Incorporating Your Business

Written by Kate Smalley

What do General Motors, Microsoft, AT&T and many other major businesses in America have in common? They’re corporations.

A corporation is a separate legal entity that functions separate and apart from its shareholders or owners. You can incorporate on your own without an attorney, although it wouldn’t hurt to seek legal advice. And you can incorporate in your home state or any other state of your choosing.

More than half a million business entities have their legal home in business-friendly Delaware, including more than 50 percent of all U.S. publicly-traded companies and 58 percent ofrepparttar Fortune 500. Nevada, New York, California, Arizona and Florida are also magnets for businesses wanting to incorporate.

Protection Against Personal Liability Incorporating offers a variety of legal and tax advantages. For one, it’s one ofrepparttar 102925 best ways a business owner can protect his or her personal assets. As a separate legal entity, a corporation is responsible for its own debts. Shareholders of a corporation are generally not liable forrepparttar 102926 obligations ofrepparttar 102927 corporation. Therefore, creditors of a corporation can seek payment fromrepparttar 102928 assets of a corporation, but notrepparttar 102929 assets of its shareholders. This means that business owners can conduct business without risking their homes or other personal property.

Tax Advantages Many businesses choose to incorporate for tax advantages. Corporate profits aren’t subject to Social Security, Medicare, workers compensation and other taxes, which adds up to 15.3 percent in taxes. An individual proprietor would need to pay all of these taxes, commonly referred to as “self-employment taxes” on all income earned byrepparttar 102930 business. But with a corporation, only salaries are subject to these taxes.

C-corporations provide even greater tax flexibility when it comes to profits. By simply dividing income betweenrepparttar 102931 corporation andrepparttar 102932 shareholders, businesses can save thousands of dollars each year on taxes. With a C-corporation,repparttar 102933 first $50,000 in profits is taxed at only 15 percent -- plus, there are no Social Security or Medicare taxes.

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