Currencies, Taxes and Citizenship

Written by William Cate

Currencies, Taxes and Citizenship By William Cate July 2004 [] []

Would you accept 1,185,000,000 Tugriks for your company? If you invested in a company, would you accept repayment of your investment and profits in Tugriks? Outside of Mongolia, whererepparttar Tugrik isrepparttar 112443 national currency,repparttar 112444 answer would be NO!

Acceptable International Currencies

Today, there are five major world currencies:repparttar 112445 U.S. Dollar,repparttar 112446 British Pound,repparttar 112447 Japanese Yen,repparttar 112448 Euro andrepparttar 112449 Swiss Franc. Payments in any of these five currencies are acceptable almost everywhere inrepparttar 112450 World.

There is a secondary tier of about twenty semi-acceptable world currencies, likerepparttar 112451 Canadian Dollar. They can be used in international business because they can be converted intorepparttar 112452 five major world currencies withoutrepparttar 112453 issuing Government's review ofrepparttar 112454 currency transaction andrepparttar 112455 Government's potential intervention and termination ofrepparttar 112456 payment.

Back to Tugriks

If you have a feed business in Ulan Bator, Tugriks are great. If you expect to die in Mongolia and have your children manage your feed business, Tugriks are terrific. However, if you want to expand your feed business into Russia orrepparttar 112457 PRC, Tugriks become a serious handicap to your plans. If you want to send your children to Cambridge,repparttar 112458 registrar won't accept Tugriks for their tuition. Should you decide thatrepparttar 112459 Mongolian Winters are more than you care to withstand in your old age, you can't use Tugriks to relocate torepparttar 112460 South Pacific.

Assuming that you have average intelligence and a global vision, you'll do business in a major world currency. It'srepparttar 112461 only way that your company can grow beyond your national borders. It'srepparttar 112462 only way that you, your family and heirs will survive comfortable forrepparttar 112463 next hundred years. There is a saying inrepparttar 112464 States that few people heed. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. History teaches us that eventually political, economic and social upheaval destroy any basket (country).

Taxation Is Not Uniform Aroundrepparttar 112465 World

Inrepparttar 112466 11th Century, Robinhood fled to Sherwood Forest, objecting to a 20% Government income tax rate. A millennium later,repparttar 112467 income tax rate inrepparttar 112468 UK is 50% and nobody knowsrepparttar 112469 exact location of Sherwood Forest. This isn't progress.

At this time, you can find your Sherwood Forest in Belize, Nevis,repparttar 112470 Cayman's, Nuie,repparttar 112471 Bahamas and a list of low tax countries. If you have a global business, it must be located in a low tax country to maximize your profits. If you want to maximize your income, your investment profits must be taken in a country that will tax them least. I'm amongrepparttar 112472 guides torepparttar 112473 modern Sherwood Forests. If you don't seerepparttar 112474 logic in operating from Sherwood Forest, you can't succeed inrepparttar 112475 Global Village.

R&D Alternatives

Written by William Cate

R&D Alternatives By William Cate July 2004 [] []

Bill Gates purchased DOS. He didn't develop it. He spent no R&D dollars to own it. DOS isrepparttar foundation ofrepparttar 112442 Microsoft dominance ofrepparttar 112443 PC and Net Markets.

R&D isrepparttar 112444 Black Hole of investment. R&D takes millions of dollars of expansion capital from any company. It rarely produces anything of value. Focusing on R&D is a sure path to bankruptcy.

There's a Better Way

It's out there. Find it. Most High Tech companies are trying to reinventrepparttar 112445 wheel. It may cost less to reinventrepparttar 112446 wheel in India than inrepparttar 112447 Silicon Valley. But, why bother inventing what already exists? The worst case scenario should be that an existing technology must be modified to meetrepparttar 112448 company's needs.

Free Technology

Inrepparttar 112449 Silicon Valley, NASA in Sunnyvale isrepparttar 112450 largest supplier of free technology to industry. The U.S. Government wants to prove thatrepparttar 112451 Space Program has practical applications. They will work overtime to find technology, developed at taxpayers' expense, that meets your commercial needs. There is a significant list of these free resources available to anyone who bothers to seek cost effective technology development.

Open-Source Technology

It powers more than 70% of all Web servers and routes much ofrepparttar 112452 world's e-mail traffic. It makes surfingrepparttar 112453 Internet simple and providesrepparttar 112454 muscle behind Google's search engine and countless e-commerce sites. It's operating systems like Linux or FreeBSD.

University Technology The University of Illinois' National Center for Supercomputing Applications, which created an early browser, Mosaic, and Web server, HTTP, gave both away to Industry for nothing other than any re-distributions giverepparttar 112455 University credit. The University decision lead torepparttar 112456 development ofrepparttar 112457 Apache Software Foundation in 1999.

Overseas Technology

From Russia to India, there are hundreds of thousands of excellent engineers who have developed products that will never be used. Some of those products will meet your needs. Takerepparttar 112458 time to search for them.

Patent Office Technology

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