Cure Your Burnout!

Written by Megan Corwin

Do you ever get those Sunday night blues? Dreadingrepparttar week ahead, feelingrepparttar 130681 daily grind just draining away all of your energy beforerepparttar 130682 week even starts? Or what about those days where you just feel like you are going throughrepparttar 130683 motions and not really being present in your own life?

We’ve all been there – burned out.

Recently I receivedrepparttar 130684 following email: I work from a home office and my last year has been very busy. I’ve needed to put in some very long hours. Lately, I’ve been feeling pretty burned out. How can I rejuvenate my excitement inrepparttar 130685 work that I really do love? And any tips on how to avoid burn out inrepparttar 130686 first place?

Here are some ideas for a quick shot inrepparttar 130687 arm: •Enroll in a class or learn a new skill related to your field. Doing something new and out ofrepparttar 130688 ordinary can be a great energizer. Don’t haverepparttar 130689 budget for training? Check out; many of their offerings are free. •Change your routine. Try doing your usual morning activities inrepparttar 130690 afternoon and vice versa. This simple change can make a big difference. •Award yourself “comp time.” If you were working at a corporate office you’d be rewarded with overtime pay or comparable time off from work. Be sure to do this for yourself. Schedule an afternoon to go torepparttar 130691 zoo or meet a friend for lunch. You’ll find when you are refreshed you work much more effectively. I’m sure you’ve heard this many times, but be sure you actually *do it*.

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Written by Nancy D. Bishop

"You, yourself, as much as anybody inrepparttar entire universe deserves your love and affection." - Buddha When wasrepparttar 130679 last time you looked intorepparttar 130680 mirror and said something nice torepparttar 130681 person you saw inrepparttar 130682 reflection? I sometimes wonder what repparttar 130683 world would be like if there were no handmade mirrors and,repparttar 130684 only reflections we saw were inrepparttar 130685 eyes and faces of those we love and who love us. I bet that would stop us from looking for what is "wrong" with us and shift our attention from whatrepparttar 130686 eyes see to whatrepparttar 130687 heart offers. Our life journey takes us down many different roads and often detours us away from ourselves. We forget that we are all human beings designed with imperfections. We may even be more supportive and encouraging to friends and relatives than to our precious selves... Our selves who long to hear those words of encouragement and support. Is it any wonder that we feel so bad when we have been so neglected?

I'm sure that we have all tried dorepparttar 130688 "right" know, go torepparttar 130689 right schools, meetrepparttar 130690 right people, getrepparttar 130691 right job, marryrepparttar 130692 right person....Society often seduces us into believing that if we do all ofrepparttar 130693 "right" things then we will be happy and successful.

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