Cultural Awareness - an HR Perspective

Written by N.A Johnson

The use of cultural awareness training has increased rapidly inrepparttar majority of global companies overrepparttar 104232 last decade.

My experience working in global companies in which effective cross-cultural functioning was critical, involvedrepparttar 104233 devotion of considerable time and energies to ensuring that cultural training needs were identified and accommodated as necessary.

This commitment to bridging cultural gaps represents a perceptible shift in attitudes amongst British company global thinking. This is a shift fromrepparttar 104234 prevalent subconscious (and sometimes not so subconscious) driver, which existed in previous years. Thinking typically held thatrepparttar 104235 way in whichrepparttar 104236 West did business wasrepparttar 104237 norm to which to strive and that non-western citizens should assimilate into our own particular mode of cultural thinking as opposed to vice versa.

Little effort was truly made to understandrepparttar 104238 cultural differences between countries. This thinking was gradually moulded and changed byrepparttar 104239 realities ofrepparttar 104240 failure of such thinking – including ineffective team functioning, lack of productivity and general dissatisfaction amongst cross culturally functioning staff. It also become apparent thatrepparttar 104241 financial costs of failed cross-cultural initiatives could be readily assessed and had a tangible impact onrepparttar 104242 financial bottom line.

It is also interesting to note thatrepparttar 104243 view that cultural awareness is unnecessary within other western groups has also changed.

Commonality of language can sometimes be an impediment as opposed to an advantage as it disguisesrepparttar 104244 differences of thinking and approach, which may underlie whole strands of business practice. When dealing with countries with obvious ‘differences’ in respect to language, religion, values and behaviours etc., then individuals more readily acceptrepparttar 104245 need to understandrepparttar 104246 motivations ofrepparttar 104247 other party. When multicultural differences arise between western groups however, conflict within approach is often attributed torepparttar 104248 ‘ineptness’ / ‘stubbornness’ ofrepparttar 104249 other party. When such attitudes become ingrained within teams, then self fulfilling prophecy may kick in and poor relationships becomerepparttar 104250 norm – affecting productivity and hence financial gain.

Turning Challenges into Opportunities

Written by Jeffrey A. Solochek

Turning Challenge Into Opportunity

There is a common saying that whenever you are presented with a problem or a challenge, you should turn it into an opportunity. Some ofrepparttar people who have mastered this concept are;repparttar 104231 United States Government, Large Corporations, Self Made Millionaires. Was Y2K really a threat? Loot at allrepparttar 104232 companies that made a fortune helping you to become Y2K compliant. When it came right down torepparttar 104233 wire nothing happened according torepparttar 104234 predictions, we all remained onrepparttar 104235 Internet, our computers did not crash. Michelangelo virus was yet another example; mass devastation was forecasted, yet few really got hit withrepparttar 104236 virus, butrepparttar 104237 software companies raked it in with increased sales for anti virus software to consumers in a panic. The latest isrepparttar 104238 creation of email postage, as ridiculous as this concept sounds this is just yet another example of big corporations coming up with more and more ways to getrepparttar 104239 American public to bow to control. The general idea behind this is to charge email marketers postage on each email sent out. The bill died pretty quickly but now we have yet another bill calledrepparttar 104240 Can/Spam Act just enacted. With this for an email marketer it would mean exorbitant rates just to haverepparttar 104241 privilege of reaching their recipients. Who is behind this? The answer should be obvious; it is big corporations like Microsoft and AOL. I believe Microsoft is charging approximately a $1400.00 licensing fee to email marketers if they wish to be able to deliver their advertisements with MSN or Hotmail email addresses. If that is not bad enough check outrepparttar 104242 latest with Identity Theft issues. It seems as though because ofrepparttar 104243 problem being so huge, Credit card companies are now offering Identity Theft protection, yes you can get insurance now incase your identity is stolen, which of course you must pay for. Lets look at this concept for a minute, if you don’t want to lose a bundle getting hit by an ID thief and you cannot be guaranteed your information will stay private, thoughrepparttar 104244 Privacy Act demands it, you must pay for protection.

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