Cultivating Future Business - Your Champions & Fans

Written by Heidi Richards, MS

Your Champions are clients, customers, vendors and anyone familiar with your service that are simply ecstatic about what you do. They arerepparttar ones who tell everyone to use your service. In fact, they will call potential customers on your behalf to tell them about you. Ask your Champions forrepparttar 136325 names of their contacts that have events or occasions coming up. Send those contacts a note, introducing you to them. Include your business cards, a testimonial letter, and an offer. The offer could be to set up an appointment to meet, or a discount on your initial consultation.

Your Fans are those who do business with you, but would not think about referring your services on their own. They need a little encouragement. Ask them if they know of anyone else who is having an event that could use your service. Tell them you would like to contact those people to offer your services to them. Most ofrepparttar 136326 time they are happy to help you out. They just wouldn’t think of it themselves.

· Send greeting cards for all special events listed onrepparttar 136327 information cards previously filled out by attendees. Retailers might want to include a note forrepparttar 136328 recipient to stop by forrepparttar 136329 25-cent tour and a small gift.

· Send postcards a few weeks before each holiday or event listed offering a free consultation on other services you provide, discounts on purchases, or some other promotional item. It is important to keep you atrepparttar 136330 “top of their mind” when they might be planning another event or know someone who is.

· Fax or mail ideas for events two or three months prior to their corporate, or milestone events. Offer a special consultation rate to help them plan a successful event.

· Stay in contact with them usingrepparttar 136331 information they provided under interests. If their hobby is growing orchids, and you see an article for an orchid or exotic plant show, cut it out and mail it to them. They will be impressed that you tookrepparttar 136332 time to send it. In fact, they probably won’t rememberrepparttar 136333 information cards and may even wonder how you knew. It could lead to a phone call, worthwhile conversation and more events.

Open Doors by Building Relationships

Written by Heidi Richards, MS

"You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get others interested in you." - Dale Carnegie -

"The same could be said for increasing your professional network." - Heidi Richards

Building your Network is an ongoing process. Increasing your “Circle of Influence” must be constant in order to achieve and maintain success. The relationships we develop become our eyes and ears to what’s happening in business, to share new opportunities with us and to increase our visibility. We reach these opportunities both directly and indirectly through those relationships. The indirect approach is oftenrepparttar best way to gain access to others by way of introduction or spreading good news about who we are. It is essential to develop a networking plan both for business and personal contacts. In business,repparttar 136324 right networking can be ten times more effecting than advertising. And it costs less!

Your Networking Plan of Action should define your objective

1. Is it to increase business by a certain percent, get more referrals, or help others?

2. What can you offer those you network with in exchange for information and contacts?

3. Which organizations should you consider forrepparttar 136325 best “bang for your buck,” and most importantly, your investment of TIME?

4. What benefits do/can you offer to entice people to do business with you? This is your “30 second commercial.”

Build Your Network

1. Ask your current “circle of influence” for opportunities to which they can “turn you on."

2. Determine and develop “key people” who will become your greatest networking champions.

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