Cricket Batting Tips For Aspiring Batsmen

Written by Ian Canaway

There are hundreds of different batting tips inrepparttar game of cricket which can all potentially improve your batting and run scoring ability. Here is a selection of cricket batting tips that i've found useful to help improve your batting.

-1st Batting Tip - Keep your eyes level, it's been shown that having your eyes level helps speed up your reaction time. It makes it easier for your brain to processrepparttar 150805 incoming information if your eyes are level whenrepparttar 150806 ball is delivered.

-2nd Batting Tip - Your first movement should be fromrepparttar 150807 shoulders towardsrepparttar 150808 line ofrepparttar 150809 ball. The rest of your body will follow naturally and will help ensure you get correctly inline withrepparttar 150810 ball.

-3rd Batting Tip - Playrepparttar 150811 delivery based on its length, if it's short; even if it's in line withrepparttar 150812 wickets it should be 'tonked away', Andy Flintoff style, torepparttar 150813 boundary. The same principle applies with full deliveries and half volleys.

-4th Batting Tip - One ofrepparttar 150814 most important things is to watchrepparttar 150815 ball from bowlers hand in run up allrepparttar 150816 way torepparttar 150817 bat. By watchingrepparttar 150818 ball inrepparttar 150819 bowler's hand you can see whatrepparttar 150820 bowler may be trying to do withrepparttar 150821 ball. Try to identify which isrepparttar 150822 shiny side or rough side, so you can determine which way they may be trying to swingrepparttar 150823 ball. The same applies with spinners; but also make sure you closely watchrepparttar 150824 wrist movement to determinerepparttar 150825 type and direction of spin.

Cricket bat care and maintenance: knocking in your new cricket bat

Written by Ian Canaway

Once you have oiled your new cricket bat you need to spend some time conditioning it before using it in a competitve environment. This is done byrepparttar process of knocking it in.

Ideally you should knock in any new cricket bat for at least six hours, yes it's a lot but it will help condition your bat for heavy usage without damaging it.

You should also knock-in your new cricket bat even if it comes advertised as 'ready to play', as it still won't be ready forrepparttar 150804 full force of a hard new cricket ball, especially if you catch an edge orrepparttar 150805 ball hitsrepparttar 150806 toe.

I've seen players go out on torepparttar 150807 square with a brand new cricket bat, which hadn't been knocked in. Inrepparttar 150808 first over he dug out a Yorker, which resulted in a 'fatal' crack inrepparttar 150809 toe ofrepparttar 150810 bat. If it had been knocked in properly it's unlikely this would have ever happened. If you don't knock in your bat you could literally be 'throwing £200 downrepparttar 150811 pan'.

To knock in your bat I highly recommend you use an old high quality cricket ball.

Begin gently by tappingrepparttar 150812 bat, particularly focusing in onrepparttar 150813 edges, as these are a very vulnerable part ofrepparttar 150814 bat and byrepparttar 150815 end you wantrepparttar 150816 edges to be almost slightly rounded.

Spend 2-3 hours doing this stage of knocking inrepparttar 150817 bat, making sure you cover all ofrepparttar 150818 face ofrepparttar 150819 bat, excludingrepparttar 150820 splice area. Don't knock-inrepparttar 150821 back ofrepparttar 150822 cricket bat.

After you have done this gradually increaserepparttar 150823 force with which you hitrepparttar 150824 bat, making sure you systematically cover all ofrepparttar 150825 face ofrepparttar 150826 bat. Byrepparttar 150827 end you should be hittingrepparttar 150828 bat with full force to simulaterepparttar 150829 impact of a real cricket ball.

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