Credit cards for people with bad credit scores

Written by Jakob Jelling

By Jakob Jelling

Sometimes life lands you in a situation that causes your credit to suffer. A job loss or illness can send your credit rating south leaving you with nothing to do about it. Some creditors may let you slide a month or two, but your records will still show a delinquency. A stolen identity can also leave you feeling violated and unable to resume a normal life with credit. It is during these times you may have to search a little harder to find companies that wan to deal with people who have bad credit. There are a handful of lenders who will help you re-establish your creditworthiness by using one of their credit cards.

The price you will pay

Searchingrepparttar Internet will give you a good idea of what types of credit card companies will deal with bad credit. Companies like Capital One, Orchard Bank, Providian Financial and even Citibank have plans to help you get back on your feet again. But at what price will you have to pay? The price is interest. Interest rates from these companies can be up to 25-30% annually. So it is important to manage your money and credit more wisely.

One ofrepparttar 112362 many benefits of using one of these preferred lenders is that they report positively torepparttar 112363 major credit scoring repositories. That means if you make timely payment it will be in your favor and will help boost your credit rating back up. The interest you pay is a small price to pay to get back on your credit worthy feet.

Home loan applications made easy

Written by Jakob Jelling

By Jakob Jelling

You have finally foundrepparttar home of your dreams. You have searched all over and are ready to purchase it. Before you even make your offer you should seek outrepparttar 112361 financing first. In some cases, it is easier to have a pre-approval in hand before making any financial commitment through a contract. Why get your hopes up after you purchaserepparttar 112362 home when you can buy with assurance and wait byrepparttar 112363 settlement table. Before you can buy anything, you will need to get accepted by a reputable lender. There is much you will need to know, as this will berepparttar 112364 largest purchase you will ever make. You will need to fill out a mortgage application first.

As with any mortgage application, you will need to providerepparttar 112365 necessary information torepparttar 112366 lender so they can weighrepparttar 112367 option to grant yourepparttar 112368 loan. This information is based upon your financial picture. It consists of your social security number, date of birth, and where you have worked forrepparttar 112369 past 3 years. This information will giverepparttar 112370 lender a good picture about your spending habits through a credit score. Depending onrepparttar 112371 score itself,repparttar 112372 lender will make a financial decision to grant or deny your request. You may also have to explain certain circumstances in your life such as a job loss or credit rating should they not be up to par.

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