Credit Cards & Identity Theft - Online Fraud

Written by Michael Bloch

Recently, my personal credit card account number was compromised. Is this going to stop me from continuing online transactions? No way. This article is about basic credit card security and what to do if you find your number is hacked. It also contains information about identity theft.

In my case, while an unwanted party gained my account details, no transactions were made. The bank's fraud department were understandably hesitant in releasing details ofrepparttar compromise, but they were very quick in taking action. At this point in time I'm not even sure thatrepparttar 119020 offending party was an online merchant, freelance hacker or traditional retailer.

The media in general have fedrepparttar 119021 netizen community paranoia levels regarding online transactions. Yes, credit card numbers are stolen and yes, there are victims who suffer financial loss. But submitting your credit card details online is no different to handing your card to a shop assistant that you don't know or a waiter you have never met before. There is very little stopping merchants we carry out transactions with on a face to face basis from gathering detailed lists of account numbers to be sold off onrepparttar 119022 black market.

The media have also fedrepparttar 119023 xenophobic cold war attitudes of years gone by by focusing on certain countries. Credit card number hackers are "Russian", true. They are also American, Australian and English. Every country inrepparttar 119024 world has a community of identity theives, scammers and spammers.

If you own a credit card and don't carry out online transactions, it doesn't mean you are safe. We need to remember that most ofrepparttar 119025 world's information systems are now connected somehow torepparttar 119026 Internet. All your vital details are now available online; regardless of whether or not you are a Internet user. It's all down to usernames, passwords and IP addresses. If you have ever collected a welfare payment, taken out an insurance policy or registered a vehicle - congratulations! You are now part ofrepparttar 119027 World Wide Web, like it or not. You can now emerge from your identity fortress as resistance is futile. That'srepparttar 119028 reality of our modern lives.

So, now after having blown away your misconceptions of your privacy, and your false security of being safe from identity theft, let's deal with reality!

Identity theft and credit card fraud is onrepparttar 119029 increase, such isrepparttar 119030 nature of an online world. How do we as netizens and webmasters protect ourselves and our clients as best as possible? It boils down to a number of simple guidelines.

Passwords - Know that little window that pops up and politely asks you if you want your computer to remember certain user names and passwords? Don't tick it! Most passwords are stored in a special file on a Windows 95/98/ME system and every half baked pimply would-be hacker knows what it is. If you are not using a firewall, it is pretty easy for these people to snatch your password file and then crack it at their leisure using freely available programs.

Password length can also add as extra protection. Those extra few numbers and letters make allrepparttar 119031 difference. Readrepparttar 119032 article:

Safety in numbers and letters

Web masters, if you are keeping user information on your web server, ensure it is stored inrepparttar 119033 proper directory withrepparttar 119034 proper permissions. Better still, wherever possible, store minimum client information on your server. Even better, ensure that all sensitive details that your visitors may submit occur over an SSL connect. A web server isrepparttar 119035 equivalent of a 7/11 store - open all hours for valid and non-valid customers. There is NO 100% guaranteed safe system

Firewalls - A personal firewall is now a necessity, not a luxury. The script kiddie problem is increasing. A script kiddie is someone who fancies themselves as a hacker and utilises freely available programs to compromise your system viarepparttar 119036 Internet. Script Kiddies have caused major problems over recent years and have been known to post up credit card numbers for all to see. Why? Bragging rights, a great deal ofrepparttar 119037 time. There are over 60 000 points of entry on your PC. You can read more aboutrepparttar 119038 issue and gain an overview of personal firewalls by readingrepparttar 119039 articles:

Script Kiddies - Vermin ofrepparttar 119040 Internet

Script Kiddies - An advice to parents

Script Kiddies 3 - Grill a Kiddie


Who are you? - Before you clickrepparttar 119041 submit button for that ezine that you really gotta have; how much information are you having to give away? A name and email address should be all that's needed in most cases. Even if you aren't having to submit credit card numbers, you are still giving away information that enables people to build profiles on you which then make it easier for identity theft to occur. It's amazing how much information you can access just knowing somebody's date of birth. If a service provider is asking you for more than your name and email address; I strongly advise checking them out before submitting.

Web masters; you need to be able to supply freely available details about your organisation if you want visitors to sign up for your services. An applied and publicised privacy policy along with an "about us" page will serve to put your visitors minds at rest. You can read more about developing these vital pages here:

Script Kiddies II - An advice to parents

Written by Michael Bloch

Afterrepparttar feedback onrepparttar 119019 previous article, I thought that it would be beneficial to write another, exploringrepparttar 119020 Script Kiddie problem in a bit more depth. If you haven't already readrepparttar 119021 previous item "Script Kiddies - Vermin ofrepparttar 119022 Internet", it may be a good idea to peruse that first to give you some background.

Overrepparttar 119023 years, I have witnessed a great number of strange things occur on computers. Some incidences are simply PEBCAK problems (Problem Exists Between Chair and Keyboard - user error), hardware failure or, for want of a better term, "system brainfarts" - no identifiable cause.

But other occurrences are more sinister.

I remember one client reporting that her teenage daughter had been in an online chat room that night when suddenlyrepparttar 119024 computer's CD-ROM tray began opening and closing of its own volition.

Inrepparttar 119025 address bar of Internet Explorer a message was slowly typed out. It read, "You are dead!"

You can imaginerepparttar 119026 effect that this experience had onrepparttar 119027 14 year old girl in question. This incident was more than likely a Script Kiddie attack, utilising a Trojan that was installed onrepparttar 119028 computer.

So how did this Trojan end up onrepparttar 119029 system? It was brought home from school on a disk, hidden in a program. This may have been deliberate asrepparttar 119030 school in question had a number of Script Kiddies in attendance. I became used to hearing their names mentioned.

Schools, along withrepparttar 119031 Internet, government departments andrepparttar 119032 workplace, are incredible sources of Trojan infestations. The kids constantly swap programs, and in their rush to install them will fail to scan properly. If your virus scanner is configured to be running allrepparttar 119033 time, this isn't such a problem. But for people with low-powered systems, 24/7 virus scanning really slows their computer down.

When out onrepparttar 119034 Internet, kids also have a tendency to reveal a great deal of information about themselves. The Internet is not a play-ground or a baby-sitter. It is a tool, akin to a chainsaw. Like a chainsaw, it can benefit or destroy.

And that brings me torepparttar 119035 next point. Script Kiddies tend to be teenagers, still living at home. Unfortunately, there are also a number of "adults" who engage inrepparttar 119036 practice (that's allrepparttar 119037 more reason to label them "Script Kiddies"...immature and unthinking).

It's been my experience through my business thatrepparttar 119038 family computer tends to be a breeding ground for all kinds of software. I have heardrepparttar 119039 startled comment, "how did that get on there?" many many times when attending to ailing systems.

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