Credible Numbers

Written by William Cate

Credible Numbers By William Cate

Cash flow numbers are not credible. They never reflect business reality. Using them in a business plan tells a potential investor that you are either stupid or dishonest. This isn'trepparttar message that you want to convey to a potential investor in your company.

Credible numbers arerepparttar 139747 reports that your accounting software can produce for you. The two reports that should be in your business plan are your current Balance Sheet and your Profit and Loss Statement (P&L). Many investors may request these reports for past years, as well.

A Balance Sheet lists your company's assets, liabilities andrepparttar 139748 owner's equity inrepparttar 139749 company. It'srepparttar 139750 measure of your company's financial health. It tells an investor what you are doing. It tellsrepparttar 139751 investorrepparttar 139752 net worth of your company. It allowsrepparttar 139753 investor to determine your company's ability to pay your debts. It will identify potential liquidity problems. An investor can also spotrepparttar 139754 degree to which a company is leveraged, or indebted.

Only family, friends and fools invest in a company to pay off its debts. Your balance sheet will give a potential investorrepparttar 139755 Liquidity Ratios needed to determine if debt service isrepparttar 139756 actual goal ofrepparttar 139757 equity investment. The usual tests run on your balance sheet will be Current Ratio, Quick Ratio, Working Capital and Leverage. You should run these tests to know their outcome, before you submit your business plan to a potential investor.

The Profit & Loss Statement is a snap shot of your balance of money as it flows through your business over a specific period of time, such as a month or a year. The P & L break out revenues or income, expenses and profit or what is left over. A Profit and Loss statement isrepparttar 139758 easiest way to tell if a business has made a profit or taken a loss over a given period of time. The most important figure referred to in it is net profit (also called Retained Earnings) or what is left over after revenues are used to pay expenses and taxes.

If you don't understand financial reports read a book onrepparttar 139759 topic, before you submit a business plan to any investor. Here are three popular titles:

1. How to Use Financial Statements: A Guide to Understandingrepparttar 139760 Numbers -- by James Bandler. 2. The Interpretation of Financial Statements -- by Benjamin O. Graham, Spencer B. Meredith. 3. The Guide to Understanding Financial Statements -- by S. B. Costales.

There are two business groups who usually object to using credible numbers in business plans. Swindlers, who argue that you should sellrepparttar 139761 sizzle and notrepparttar 139762 steak. After all, they never have any steak to sell. And, entrepreneurs of startup companies who argue that credible numbers are negative numbers and thus using their P&L and Balance Sheet reports will turn away potential investors.

The entrepreneurs are wrong. The potential investor should have learned inrepparttar 139763 Executive Summary thatrepparttar 139764 company was a startup and thus isn't expecting a favorable balance sheet or P&L. More importantly, these two reports giverepparttar 139765 entrepreneur a chance to prove their commitment to their company. They will showrepparttar 139766 owner's cash investment in their company and their sweat equity. Commitment is one ofrepparttar 139767 three "Cs" of equity investment. They are Credibility, Competence and Commitment. Using credible numbers meetsrepparttar 139768 three Cs test.

Example of a Profitable Transaction in FOREX.

Written by Adrian Pablo

As it was mentioned earlier, there are TWO timeless rules of Investing in FOREX:

RULE #1) ~ Cut your losers; let your winners ride.


We do. Every FOREX trader does. The key to being a consistent, predictable, reliable trader is to, atrepparttar end ofrepparttar 139695 day, add up more wins than losses. And, when you KNOW (based off your trading rules), without a doubt, that YES, indeed you are, in a losing trade, don't keep losing money (lowering your stop loss) just to *prove you are right* or your rules are wrong (however you want to look at it).

Let's face it - you can't turn a sow's ear into a silk purse. You can't changerepparttar 139696 spots of a leopard and you can't turn chicken poop into chicken salad. The best trades are usually "right" immediately (the techniques, rules, methods and strategies we teach at will be your best indicator for just what a "right" trade really is).

Remember, people have been tradingrepparttar 139697 markets for a hundred and sixty years. The smart traders know there's going to be another trade. Cut your loses short and compound those winning positions.

RULE #2) ~ Thou Shall Not Traderepparttar 139698 FOREX Withoutrepparttar 139699 Placing of a Stop Loss Order.

When you place a STOP order, right along with your ENTRY order, via your online trade station, you've just automatically prevented a potential loss from "running" too far.

Before initiating any trade, if you haven't already figured out at what point you would be wrong and would want to cut your loses or, atrepparttar 139700 very least, reevaluate your position fromrepparttar 139701 sidelines, then you shouldn't be putting onrepparttar 139702 trade inrepparttar 139703 first place.

Show us a FOREX trader who doesn't use stop loss orders and we'll show you someone who loses a lot of money.

To make a profit, inrepparttar 139704 FOREX, a trader (possibly YOU soon?) can enterrepparttar 139705 market as a *buy position* (known as going "long") or a *sell position* (known as going "short").

For discussion, let's assume you've been studyingrepparttar 139706 EURO.

Your trading methods, rules, strategies, etc., tell you that prices will rise during a particular timeframe. So you buyrepparttar 139707 EUR/USD pair (or, technically, you will simultaneously buy euros,repparttar 139708 base currency, and sell dollars).

You open up your handy trading station software (provided to you for free byrepparttar 139709 online broker), which resides on your desktop, and you see thatrepparttar 139710 EUR/USD pair is trading at:

<< EUR/USD: 1.3242/45 >>

REMEMBER:repparttar 139711 quote torepparttar 139712 left ofrepparttar 139713 / (1.3242) refers torepparttar 139714 bid or "sell" price (what you obtain in USD when you sell EUR). The quote torepparttar 139715 right ofrepparttar 139716 / (1.3245) is used to obtainrepparttar 139717 ask or "buy" price (what you have to pay in USD if you buy EUR).

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