Creativity and Innovation Management in conservative, staid organisations

Written by Kal Bishop

Conservative and staid organisations generally have a harder time implementing creativity and innovation into their day-to-day work processes and people. Leaders may want to capturerepparttar benefits of creativity and innovation, yet there may be relevant and almost contradictory issues that they have to deal with, including:

a)It may be that a conservative culture is desirable (may result in a greater fit withrepparttar 102949 client base, for example).

b)Culture change is time consuming and needs constant monitoring and measurement.

c)Large-scale changes may not be desired.

However, it is possible for leaders to haverepparttar 102950 best of both worlds. That is, it is possible to combine a conservative culture with a creative one and without large-scale change. Some methods include:

a)Creating teams outsiderepparttar 102951 core organisation whose job it is to manage creativity and innovation, identify problems, generate ideas, selectrepparttar 102952 best ones, and see them throughrepparttar 102953 development and innovation cycle.

b)Allowingrepparttar 102954 culture of creative teams outsiderepparttar 102955 core organisation to gradually diffuse its way intorepparttar 102956 core culture.

c)Creating direct links to decision makers. Whenever employees have good ideas, having them addressed by powerful people encourages further good idea generation.

Encompix Engineeer-to-Order Configurator Reduces Overall Lead Time

Written by Roger Meloy

Encompix ( is pleased to announcerepparttar inclusion ofrepparttar 102948 Encompix ETO Configurator as part ofrepparttar 102949 lead Engineer-to-Order Enterprise Resource Planning product suite. Based on Configure One's Concept product it is specifically designed for engineer-to-order manufacturers. Unlike most product configurators that can handle only simple configuration challenges,repparttar 102950 ETO Configurator tacklesrepparttar 102951 very complex product rules normally associated with engineer-to-order, project-based or custom manufacturers.

Encompix's ETO configurator dramatically reducesrepparttar 102952 time it takes to go from a customer's initial request for a quote to whenrepparttar 102953 product is actually shipped by streamlining and automating much ofrepparttar 102954 pre-manufacturing process. This includesrepparttar 102955 creation of quotes, sales and production drawings, routings, and bills of material. The data is seamlessly integrated with other Encompix components and is used to create a routing and a complete indented BOM in Encompix. By automating sales and engineering tasks,repparttar 102956 Encompix ETO Configurator helps speed up responses to quotation requests, free up engineering personnel, decrease errors and rework, and reduce overall lead time.

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