Creativity and Culture Management

Written by Kal Bishop

Many concepts inrepparttar fields of managing creativity are very much applicable to culture management in general. The same concepts that foster creativity and innovation also maximise human capital potential, increase productivity, reduce costs and maintain competitive advantage etc. Some ofrepparttar 103096 many commonalities between culture and creativity management follow. a)A culture of psychological safety and freedom. A culture that limits experience, information and expression and allows relatively few members to contribute to decision-making is not taking advantage ofrepparttar 103097 immense pool of available talent. Just as idea-generating sessions are conducted in environments that limit judgement, in order to elicitrepparttar 103098 contribution of all participants, so that philosophy should be extended throughoutrepparttar 103099 organisation permanently.

b)Motivation is more important than natural ability. This is similar to possessing high intelligence – one must be motivated to apply it and improve it. Human capital is optimised when participants have high intrinsic motivation and i) synergistic extrinsic motivators are present to facilitaterepparttar 103100 task and ii) non-synergistic facilitators are minimised. Further, specific motivators such as i) gap between ideal and real self, ii) degree of enjoyability, iii) degree of challenge, iv) feasibility, v) degree of self-determination, vi) recognition, vii) material reward, viii) time pressures, ix) project numbers and complexity and x) competition versus collaboration etc need to be measured and monitored.

Managing Creativity an Oxymoron! Not.

Written by Kal Bishop

Interrogated on a beach in Barbados by friends insistent that there was little validity to my speciality, I have felt compelled to come up withrepparttar most common objections inrepparttar 103095 field of Managing Creativity and Innovation.

a) Managing Creativity and Innovation is an oxymoron! When ideas are required, leaders tend to herd people into a room with a flip chart and conduct (usually an ineffective) brainstorming session. Implicit in this action is an acceptance that certain techniques and processes can increase problem identification, idea generation andrepparttar 103096 elicitation of tacit knowledge. Structures such asrepparttar 103097 Hero's Journey are accepted as increasing creative output when idea streams (such as in screenwriting) are needed. Product development theory has proven innovation strategies that allow better idea selection, development and commercialisation. Frameworks such asrepparttar 103098 S-curve and idea funnels allowrepparttar 103099 efficient monitoring of ideas through a pipeline and effective go or kill decision-making.

b) Creativity cannot be managed because ideas occur out ofrepparttar 103100 blue. Ideas arerepparttar 103101 result ofrepparttar 103102 mind working on particular problems at various cognitive levels. Though you cannot predict what an idea will be, where it will occur and what form it will take you can increaserepparttar 103103 likelihood of ideas occurring. Further, you can increaserepparttar 103104 number of ideas produced,repparttar 103105 rarity of those ideas,repparttar 103106 diversity of those ideas andrepparttar 103107 frequency of their production.

c) Creativity is not a process. If you analyserepparttar 103108 behaviour of people who are used to generating many ideas regularly, you will find that common patterns emerge. There is a definite process that triggers creative activity on multiple cognitive levels, resulting inrepparttar 103109 required insight. The process includes identifying and intensely investigating a problem, forcing production of ideas using creative versus critical thinking and other techniques; seeking stimuli and allowingrepparttar 103110 unconscious mind to take over by engaging in rest and unrelated activities.

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