Creativity Management – Measurement, benchmarking and Improvement

Written by Kal Bishop

Contrary to common perception, creativity can be made tangible, measurable and useable. In terms of measurement, benchmarking and improvement,repparttar first step is to decide on definitions,repparttar 102877 second is to decide on methods of measurement and finally, to monitor each measurement for improvement.

Definitions of creativity are not elusive. In fact,repparttar 102878 number of definitions helpsrepparttar 102879 analyst better define creativity and refine its management:

a)Coming up with original ideas.

Misleading. It can be compellingly argued that all new ideas are actually evolutions of previous ideas. Implies a break fromrepparttar 102880 past.


The recombination of existing elements to form something new. Thus creativity is not something completely new but relatively new. Offers a practical method. For example, Synectics –repparttar 102881 practice of taking two elements and consciously creating new links and elements from them.

c)Novel and useful solutions.

Does not imply a complete break withrepparttar 102882 past and introducesrepparttar 102883 concept of applicability. Can be extrapolated to arrive at creative and critical thinking. Where creative thinking is used generate a large idea pool and critical thinking is used to reduce that pool to feasible ideas. Implies that creativity can be measured according to degrees of novelty. Someone who expands on Einstein’s Theory of Relativity is not as creative as Einstein was asrepparttar 102884 ideas are not as novel.

Number of Parts Defines Small vs. Very Small Manufacturers

Written by Rocky Smolin

E-Z-MRP,repparttar leading manufacturing software system for small manufacturers, announced effective April 15th, there will be a new pricing and product structure. According to Rocky Smolin, founder of Beach Access Software, makers of E-Z-MRP, “We see a distinction between those small manufacturers with less than five hundred parts in material resource planning, and those with a need for unlimited part numbers.”

Smolin noted that some manufacturers will start withrepparttar 102876 under 500 parts version of E-Z-MRP, priced at $2995, and grow intorepparttar 102877 new unlimited version, priced at $9800. Beach Access Software creditsrepparttar 102878 $2995 for customers who later choose to upgrade. Other small manufacturers who presently have more than five hundred part will start right away withrepparttar 102879 E-Z-MRP Unlimited version.

Small manufacturers with more than one hundred parts can no longer managerepparttar 102880 manufacturing process on an Excel spreadsheet. Since more than 84% of all manufacturers have less than fifty employees, there is a remarkable opportunity for cost-effective manufacturing systems like E-Z-MRP. Despiterepparttar 102881 extensive media coverage regarding ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), in most cases these small manufacturers do not require allrepparttar 102882 functionality offered, nor can many affordrepparttar 102883 price point.

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