Creative Marketing

Written by Rudy Hiebert

Selling Our Family Car - A Marketing Opportunity

The more than ten year relationship with our favorite car ended today. It was a good ending because I could boast torepparttar owner with pride and confidence why we were sad to see it go. It responded superbly to Amsoil Inc.'s synthetic lubricants and related car care products we used forrepparttar 120578 duration of more than 200,000 kms. It passed AirCare without adjustments, used moderately less fuel than comparable vehicles and showed off its shinny exterior due to its durable car polish shine.

Since I'm not a car salesman, I wouldn't think about

How to Create A Homepage That Works

Written by Michael Cheney, (c)

Want to know whatrepparttar worst thing to say on a homepage is? " Welcome to our homepage." And yet, time after time, we all come across such homepages onrepparttar 120577 Internet. The reason that this is such a poor opening gambit isrepparttar 120578 fact thatrepparttar 120579 visitor already knows he / she is looking at your homepage, what'srepparttar 120580 point in teaching them to suck eggs?

Your website's homepage needs to contain much more important messages than a simple welcome statement or brief history to your company. Why has someone landed on your website inrepparttar 120581 first place? What problem are they looking to solve? What type of information do they seek? If your homepage doesn't convey that your website hasrepparttar 120582 answers to these questions inrepparttar 120583 visitors' minds then it's game over - they will leave, never to return.

3 Seconds To Make The Right Impression

So how you can retain visitors and grab them as soon as they viewrepparttar 120584 homepage of your website? Well, try condensingrepparttar 120585 key selling points of your business. Why are you different? Why should they do business with you as opposed to anyone else?

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