Creating Your Own Metallic Type (Adobe Photoshop CS Tricks and Tips)

Written by Granny's Mettle

Metallic effects are widely used by artists asrepparttar drop shadow for texts. You usually see them in car ads, CD covers, and movie logos. Even magazines are abundant with this metallic type. I found these great tips inrepparttar 107446 Internet in creating metallic effect to your text. Let me share it with you.

1.To start with your artwork, create a new file large enough to containrepparttar 107447 full logo you're about to make.

2. Userepparttar 107448 Gradient Tool. Add a liner gradient from top to bottom using any color you like. Changingrepparttar 107449 setting is easy. Just double-click onrepparttar 107450 Gradient tool icon andrepparttar 107451 Option palette will be opened.

3. Add a type withrepparttar 107452 Horizontal Type tool, and enterrepparttar 107453 name you want to use. 4. Create a warped text by clicking onrepparttar 107454 Create Warped Text icon onrepparttar 107455 Type Options bar. Chooserepparttar 107456 effect andrepparttar 107457 amount you want. Then click OK.

5. Create a path fromrepparttar 107458 type by getting torepparttar 107459 Layer > Type > Create Work Path. The new path can be found underrepparttar 107460 Path palette. The original layer can now be trashed or turned off. By usingrepparttar 107461 Direct Selection tool,repparttar 107462 path can be changed to any shape you want. Points can be added to create distortions or mutated shapes.

6. Create a new layer and fillrepparttar 107463 path with a color after you have completedrepparttar 107464 path. This can be done in many ways. One way is to click onrepparttar 107465 Fill Path button atrepparttar 107466 bottom ofrepparttar 107467 Path palette. Just a simple advice, whatever color you choose is not that important. You will be overriding it anyway later.

7. To add drop shadow, double click or Alt-Double click (the former for Mac andrepparttar 107468 latter for Win) onrepparttar 107469 layer inrepparttar 107470 Layer palette with your logo to bring uprepparttar 107471 Layer Style dialog box. In that dialog box, click on Drop Shadow. Adjust to your specifications.

Smart Marketing: How to write your marketing plan

Written by Granny's Mettle

Developing a marketing plan isrepparttar most significant strategy for any budding business. Marketing strategies and activities will help make your products and services available to satisfy your target clients, as well as earn profits for your company. Simply put, a marketing plan targets your revenue goals and listsrepparttar 107445 resources you need to be able to meet those goals.

Preparing a marketing plan helps you to better understand your business. Because it requires you to assess current trends in your marketplace, as well as how your business can make an impact, a well-thought of marketing plan can provide yourepparttar 107446 means to enhance your business profit capacity. Often, simply involving yourself inrepparttar 107447 process of writing a marketing plan can guide you in developing a successful marketing strategy. With a marketing plan on hand, you would be able to evaluate your progress later.

So what do you need to plan out a great marketing plan?

Knowrepparttar 107448 inside and outs of your products…You need to focus on your revenue and marketing objectives, and on how you intend to accomplish them. A thorough understanding of your products and services- from their features and benefits, to your target market's performance and potential competitors- will help make your plan more focused and well organized.

Your plan starts here… Begin your research by checking onrepparttar 107449 demographics of your target region. Information you need are age, gender, income, occupation, education and other key elements. You need to realize that your marketing plan should vary according torepparttar 107450 industry your dealing with,repparttar 107451 size of your company, andrepparttar 107452 stage of growth. Different plans for different folks. It is imperative that you realize thatrepparttar 107453 process is very important because it makes you think about your goals in terms of revenues and what your marketing strategy would be to achieve your goals.

Your plan is divided into sections… These sections are what you usually find in a marketing plan. However,repparttar 107454 components of your plan will vary depending on your company type, stage of growth and goals.

•Executive Summary- This part allows you to introduce your company and major points ofrepparttar 107455 plan in summary. It further highlightsrepparttar 107456 mission and objectives of your company to establishrepparttar 107457 framework of your marketing strategy.

•The business- It providesrepparttar 107458 general introduction which includes your business, your company's products and services, distribution process, andrepparttar 107459 marketing personnel.

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