Creating Your First Web Site, Part 1

Written by Lisa Maliga

Creating Your First Web Site, Part 1 By Lisa Maliga © 2005

Google boasts more than eight billion web pages. How will yours show up? When willrepparttar sales or hits start rolling in?

Recently I’ve come across a few people who are interested in joiningrepparttar 132363 Internet and want some assistance in building their first web site. If you want to be online, start looking for information there, especially at a site such as as well as in your local bookstore and library. Read as much as you can and don’t allow yourself to become overwhelmed. The best web sites are built one page at a time.

Creating It Whether you’re adding one page torepparttar 132364 World Wide Web or thousands, you should first decide not only what you want to show to people but also which program will you use? Microsoft FrontPage and Macromedia’s Dreamweaver MX are two ofrepparttar 132365 most popular software programs, but there are many others and some of them are even free when you sign up with a web host. Make sure you’re comfortable usingrepparttar 132366 software and that enough information is provided such as reference books and/or articles.

To determine how you will capture your audience, what will you put on your home page? A welcome sign? Lots of text? Lots of pictures? Will it be a catalogue, scrapbook, library, photo album, mall, menu or museum? The best way to begin isrepparttar 132367 most old-fashioned: use index cards and a pen. This will be your site map and this way you can physically create your site. Begin withrepparttar 132368 home page and add other cards for your additional pages. Hopefully you’ve decided on your site’s name. If not, now isrepparttar 132369 time.

Navigation How you get around your site is determined here, and on your home page, [also referred to asrepparttar 132370 index page], as this is where you decide how you will link each page. A row of well labeled navigation buttons or text links alongrepparttar 132371 top or side? Onrepparttar 132372 bottom? Will you need any?

For example, someone needs to create a site where they will be selling several used cars. The home page will have links to each car. Don’t try cramming all that information on your main page, as you’ll lose viewers. It’s just too much information, too much scrolling down and far too many pictures and megabytes. Each car should have its own page. Suppose that bright red Ford Mustang is on your home/index page for its visual appeal, but create a link to a Mustang page where you have allrepparttar 132373 relevant information such asrepparttar 132374 price, mileage, other statistics and more photos ofrepparttar 132375 car. Same goes for a Honda Prelude, and/or allrepparttar 132376 other cars/products you are selling. Each item should have its own page as that creates additional pages and more chances of your site being found byrepparttar 132377 search engines which translates into more people visiting your site.

Enticing Your Online Audience What will drive people to your site and keep them there? Whatever you have to offer, whether free or involving a fee, you must make your site as legitimate looking as possible.

Are you a member ofrepparttar 132378 Better Business Bureau? Do you have a membership to a society, organization or other group that lends credibility to you and your new site? Have you won awards in your field of expertise? Do you sell a product that is available by purchase with a major credit card or PayPal? Always displayrepparttar 132379 necessary information a potential customer needs on your main page.

Mobile Accessibility - Your website in the year 2005

Written by Philip Wylie

Throughout 2004repparttar number of web enabled portable devices boomed. By “portable devices" I mean PDAs and smart phones. What does this mean for you? Well it depends whether or not you care about your visitors’ experience - you build your website for visitors so you really should!

Nokia, Vodafone, Microsoft and others have already applied to ICANN forrepparttar 132361 new TLD (Top Level Domain) .mobi. Ifrepparttar 132362 new TLD is accepted not only will this create hundreds more “domain for sale” sites but it will also help mobile users find optimized pages.

When a website optimized for a desktop computer is viewed on a small screen,repparttar 132363 horizontal scrollbars are usually stretched byrepparttar 132364 header and footer, inevitably this meansrepparttar 132365 textual content area is also stretched. "Fit to screen" on Pocket PCs shrinks images onrepparttar 132366 page and attempts to displayrepparttar 132367 text on one screen without horizontal scrollbars.

There is no need to create a whole new site dedicated for mobile users, as not only would that be time consuming it is also unnecessary, due to mobile browsers being able to render most code without problems. Simply make your new site with a more logical, clean appearance. You should avoid relying on drop down menus for navigation as they use “mouse over” and JavaScript which doesn’t necessarily work.

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