Creating Time — You Can Do It! ©

Written by John-Paul Micek

"People that would never think of committing suicide or ending their life would think nothing of dribbling their life away in useless minutes and hours every day."

What separates winners from losers?

We all haverepparttar same 24-hours in a day, so why do some people always seem to accomplish more withrepparttar 103975 same amount of time?

Winners leverage every minute of every day inrepparttar 103976 most effective way possible. They make every minute count. They don't waste one minute on other people's urgencies or onrepparttar 103977 unimportant.

You arerepparttar 103978 best ofrepparttar 103979 best. You reside inrepparttar 103980 achiever category atrepparttar 103981 top ofrepparttar 103982 performance chain. How do I know that? Because onlyrepparttar 103983 best people,repparttar 103984 top 10% ofrepparttar 103985 population, want to better themselves and that is why you are reading this. (You'd be surprised at how many people want to get ahead, yet don't liftrepparttar 103986 proverbial finger to turnrepparttar 103987 page of a book to help reach their goals.)

In order to create time, you must shift your focus — from days and hours — to work. You need to leveragerepparttar 103988 hours that you do have and focus only onrepparttar 103989 actions that will yield exponential results.

Start by identifyingrepparttar 103990 activities that you take part in on a daily or weekly basis that yield little or no long-term benefits.

Coach's Insight: For example,repparttar 103991 average person working in a corporation, by eliminating coffee breaks or combining coffee breaks with meetings can create two full work-weeks in a year. Two full work-weeks!

Those eighty hours can be used to generate more income, spend more time with family, read a self-improvement book to gain additional peak performance results, go on a much needed vacation, or enhance your health with three hours of aerobic activity per week for half a year.

Here's how this calculates. Let's assume thatrepparttar 103992 average person takes two 20-minute breaks a day. Overrepparttar 103993 course of a year, figuring on two weeks of vacation, that's 166 hours. That's more than four 40-hour work-weeks added to your year. You have just created an additional 166 hours of time in your year. Tryrepparttar 103994 same calculation with lunch.

Does this mean that you never take time for yourself? Of course not, this is your time that you create. Who is benefiting from all that extra time you have gained? You are — in terms of increased income, enhanced relationships, or an extended lifespan due to better health.

Reasons for individual, corporate and national success and

Written by Diane M Hoffmann, Ph.D

Reasons for individual, corporate and national success and prosperity.

from Diane M. Hoffmann

How would you like to be a person who had earned your credibility through writing 35 books and producing more than 300 audio and video learning programs for individuals and corporations,in 22 languages?

How would you like to be one ofrepparttar top professional speakers and seminar leaders inrepparttar 103974 world? Someone who has worked with more than 1000 companies in 25 years, addressing more than 250,000 people each year in every U.S. state, across Canada, and in 23 other countries?

And on top of it, you wererepparttar 103975 president of an international human resources firm based in a top city inrepparttar 103976 US, attracting audiences as large as 20,000 people, to hear you talk on Strategy, Leadership, Management, Sales and Personal Success...

And while you journeyed getting there, you found out aboutrepparttar 103977 causes and cures of all our problems and what people can do to saverepparttar 103978 American Dream... how would you like to be that person?

And more importantly, what would you do about it?

Well there is such a man and he is eager to share with you what he has done with it. His name is Brian Tracy. His website is **** and his direct link is atrepparttar 103979 end ofrepparttar 103980 book.

You can get a copy of this book right now, right here, for NO-COST in e-format. But I just got permission fromrepparttar 103981 author to make this available to my readers *only until this September 15th*. After that you'll have to pay for it. It's 213 pages of his lifelong study ofrepparttar 103982 reasons for individual, corporate and national success and prosperity.

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