Creating Assets:  Spark Your Thinking with these 16 Comprehensive Questions

Written by Catherine Franz

Creating Assets:  Spark Your Thinking with these 16 Comprehensive Questions

Here are some questions to get your thoughts and cash flow moving that will also keep your product creating aligned and focused.

Find your gold mine in your surroundings by looking at any promotional literature you have created, audio or video tapes you have produced, press releases or articles about or by you, your product catalog or list and even your business card.

1. What isrepparttar one single important subject from your experience or knowledge that you want to tellrepparttar 120742 world about? If you have a list or create a list, which one speaks to yourepparttar 120743 loudest?

2. What are you most frequently surprised about that people ask about in your subject area? Track allrepparttar 120744 questions people are asking -- they are telling you what they are willing to buy. It is usually something so common sense to you that it escapes your radar. Be observant for a month and you will be amazed on what pops up.

3. When you created your list or selectedrepparttar 120745 single important subject, look to narrow down this topic into segments. Can these segments be a product or service on their own? Most ofrepparttar 120746 time it can be.

4. How will you spreadrepparttar 120747 word -- what will be your marketing tool for this subject/segment? Think how buyers want to hear about it (not what's in your comfort level -- that is if you want it to be easy as possible -- however it doesn't have to be). Can this become a profit center for you? If yes, how? What are your ideas and thoughts?

5. What isrepparttar 120748 top thing you want people to know about this subject/segment? Is it a new skill, perspective, attitude, expanding general knowledge, wisdom -- what?

6. Doesrepparttar 120749 information need to be presented in logical order or randomly?

7. What do you want people to do or not to do, change or move during or afterwards with this? How will this benefit them?

8. Who besides this market can benefit from this? Are there any other specific markets that this would apply to? Manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, who?

9. Is there any specific words or language for this topic/subject/segment? If not specific, what words appear more frequently than others? Create a list of keywords that you might search onrepparttar 120750 Internet if you were looking for information on this.

10. Think back to a time when you first learned about this topic/subject/segment. Did you keep any notes or journal entries? Did you receive an aha moment when you learned a principle or key about this? Yes, then write aboutrepparttar 120751 story/aha moment.

What Is Your Lure, Bait and Gear? An exercise to define who you are attracting

Written by Catherine Franz

Fly fishing -- it doesn't work, does it? When I first watched someone fly-fishing, I saw them releaserepparttar line that went out far inrepparttar 120741 water. No sooner hadrepparttar 120742 fly hitrepparttar 120743 water it was being jerked back and reeled in. Even today, I still don't understand how this method catches any fish. Yet it does, so I am told. See, I have never been fly-fishing.

It looks like so much more work too. I'm used torepparttar 120744 worm, bobber, sitting on a short foldable chair, having some great conversation ever once in a while, sipping on a beer (okay root beer so we don't X factor this article), relaxing and waiting forrepparttar 120745 nibble. Or, is it praying for that nibble. Okay, either one.

If you talk to a fly-fisherman, he says his method isrepparttar 120746 best. Andrepparttar 120747 same is uttered from a by-the-seat-of-the- pants fisherman as well (cute description huh, I thought so too).

What makesrepparttar 120748 difference than? Is it technique? Is itrepparttar 120749 water type -- salt or fresh? Is itrepparttar 120750 type of fish you are going after? Is itrepparttar 120751 equipment or supplies? Is itrepparttar 120752 bait offered?

Okay, back torepparttar 120753 first question -- what isrepparttar 120754 difference? The right answer is "all ofrepparttar 120755 above." You can also throw inrepparttar 120756 temperature, weather and time of day you are fishing as well. The right answer still is, "all ofrepparttar 120757 above." And it all depends onrepparttar 120758 right combination of all these items performed in a step-by-order method too. You don't want to toss outrepparttar 120759 fly withoutrepparttar 120760 line. Well, I guess you can butrepparttar 120761 chances of seeing that fly again is next to nil for sure.

Marketing is not any different from fishing. If you are tossing outrepparttar 120762 wrong hook torepparttar 120763 right fish, they are not going to bite. If you haverepparttar 120764 right fish and hook, andrepparttar 120765 wrong technique -- fly-fishing instead of butt, wait and pray fishing. This too will not get many results.

This is why so much emphasis is placed on your needing to know your target market. Because if you don't you are forever going to be trying what different lures, hooks and techniques that wear you down as well as your resources trying to figure out what isrepparttar 120766 right combination. You can't catch flounder in a fresh water or blue gill in salt water.

Many times, and without knowing it because you are just glad forrepparttar 120767 business,repparttar 120768 fish pick you. So, what are you attracting? Let’s take 15 minutes today and begin an exercise that answers that question.

Okay, where were we. Getting late inrepparttar 120769 day. Oh, yes, what are you attracting? Since I write mostly for service professionals, let me presentrepparttar 120770 "how-tos" for you. If you own a retail store or have a much larger client base, you can dorepparttar 120771 same by calculating justrepparttar 120772 top "A" list by revenue generated.

I recommend starting this process by hand to getrepparttar 120773 "feel" of it and then you can move it over to Excel or a similar software as it grows. Yes, you have my permission to allow this fish to get bigger in this "fish tale."

On a new sheet of paper, turned sideways or landscaped, inrepparttar 120774 far left hand side createrepparttar 120775 first column. Now write downrepparttar 120776 first name of you client (or last name or both). If you don't remember their name and you had given them a nickname, use that. It doesn't matter as long as you know who they are.

Inrepparttar 120777 second column, title it "M/F." You guessed it, "male or female." I knew I didn't have a "dah" market reading this. Now, go downrepparttar 120778 column and write inrepparttar 120779 answers next to each name.

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