Create a Quality-Minded Dental Practice

Written by Laura Peters

You are a CEO – Create a quality-minded practice

Whether your annual cash receipts exceedrepparttar million-dollar mark or you are at a more modest level,repparttar 115600 fact remainsrepparttar 115601 same - you are running a business. You arerepparttar 115602 leader and it is your responsibility to set quality standards.

The pro-Socratic philosopher Heraclitus said that one can never step inrepparttar 115603 same river twice. He meant thatrepparttar 115604 world is a place of constant change; so, too, is your dental practice. By having an established set of quality standards that act as an anchor, your business can move ahead whenrepparttar 115605 waters are smooth and ride it out duringrepparttar 115606 storms that periodically blow through every practice.

There are eight essentials that really ought to be in place for a practice to qualify as truly quality-minded:

·A deep understanding ofrepparttar 115607 patients so that their wants can be translated into service. ·A plan to keep improving all operations continuously.


Written by S. M. Akerkar

Diagnosis of HIV DISEASE--

What is ELISA test for HIV ?-- Whenever any organism entersrepparttar body,repparttar 115599 immune system produces antibodies to it. Hence presence of these antibodies is an indirect evidence ofrepparttar 115600 infection. ELISA test for HIV is a test that detectsrepparttar 115601 antibodies to HIV. A positive ELISA test is therefore an indirect evidence of HIV infection. Howeverrepparttar 115602 body takes 6 weeks to 3 months to produce antibodies. Thus even after infectionrepparttar 115603 test becomes positive only after 6 weeks to 3 months. This period is called asrepparttar 115604 window period. During this periodrepparttar 115605 patient is infective butrepparttar 115606 test is negative. Should a single ELISA test positive report be taken as an evidence of HIV infection ?-- In case of ELISA positive; eitherrepparttar 115607 test is repeated or a more specific test like Western Blot is done to confirmrepparttar 115608 diagnosis.

What is Western Blot test? This is a more specific test for diagnosis of HIV infection. It is generally used to confirm a positive ELISA report.

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