Create a Business You Love

Written by Damien Senn

So you have entrepreneurial aspirations, but you’re stuck in a job working for someone else. You wake up, commute to work, work hard, pay your bills and then come home exhausted. You repeatrepparttar pattern for another four days, becoming increasingly tired asrepparttar 103332 week progresses. Byrepparttar 103333 time Friday night comes around you are absolutely shattered requiring every second of your weekend just to recover! And just as you start to feel as if you have your life back, your alarm clock goes off on Monday morning, you drag your feet out of bed and you repeatrepparttar 103334 cycle. Does this scenario sound all too familiar? Is thisrepparttar 103335 way you want to spendrepparttar 103336 rest of your working life?

Controlling your thoughts.

So how do you start to break this monotonous existence? You do so with a single thought. It is said that each one of us has 60,000 thoughts a day, 55,000 of which were exactlyrepparttar 103337 same thoughts as we had yesterday. So I am going to place a simple thought in your mind right now;

“ You haverepparttar 103338 potential to create a profitable business that you are truly passionate about, that fulfils you creatively and that delivers a lot of good inrepparttar 103339 world. “

If that message resonates with you, you may like to re-read it and holdrepparttar 103340 thought in your mind for a second time. Really try and experiencerepparttar 103341 meaning in this message. Not just intellectually but emotionally as well. You may also like re-think this thought again tomorrow. And if it feels good tomorrow, you may like to add it to your habitual thoughts.

Give your new thought some support Once you have heldrepparttar 103342 thought of running your own business in your own mind and you are comfortable with it, you need to start expandingrepparttar 103343 dynamics ofrepparttar 103344 thought. Ask yourselfrepparttar 103345 following questions ·What sort of business would you like to run? ·Would it be a full time business or just a part time one? ·What would you call it? ·How much time would you like to devote to it? ·Who would be your target market? ·Who can you get involved to help you get it started?

Re-Discovery Procedures for Building Effective Management Systems: Phase V

Written by Chris Anderson

You have permission to publish this article free of charge, as long asrepparttar resource box is included withrepparttar 103331 article. If you do run my article, a courtesy reply to would be greatly appreciated. This article is 502 words long includingrepparttar 103332 resource box. Thanks for your interest.

Part One: Discovery

Part Two: Planning

Part Three: Development

Part Four: Implementation

Now we turnrepparttar 103333 corner to our final phase: Re-Discovery.

Last year markedrepparttar 103334 200th anniversary ofrepparttar 103335 expedition of Lewis & Clark, and much has been written about their remarkable journey uprepparttar 103336 Missouri River and on torepparttar 103337 Pacific. This band of explorers was aptly named The Corps of Discovery. In reality, The Corps made two trips,repparttar 103338 second being their return. It is likely thatrepparttar 103339 unheralded return journey was more revealing and insightful thanrepparttar 103340 outbound leg, offering them a chance to re-discover with clearer vision what they had already seen.

It is in this frame of mind that your organization will embark onrepparttar 103341 Re-Discovery Phase of building an effective management system.

Management Policies and Procedures

The Re-Discovery Phase completesrepparttar 103342 loop ofrepparttar 103343 entire project, and then overlaps with The Discovery Phase ofrepparttar 103344 next year. Therein liesrepparttar 103345 "never-ending cycle" ofrepparttar 103346 project. The Re-Discovery Phase allows your organization to migrate from a "fix it and done!" mentality to one of continuous improvement. In Re-Discovery/Discovery Phases you will always be reviewing and assessing your organization for ways to improve performance, compliance, and effectiveness.

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