Create a Balanced Lifestyle

Written by Cheri Baumann

Create a Balanced Lifestyle and Begin Living a Healthier, Happier and Enriched Life

Are you living a balanced life?

Many people are not. Their lives are horribly out of balance and their quality of life is being severely compromised as a result. Some people do not even know what a balanced life looks like or how having one will improve their sense of well-being. They have become so stuck within their imbalanced lifestyle that they are not aware of how grave their situation is until a major crisis occurs and they are forced to take a good look atrepparttar choices they have been making.

What is balance?

Having a balanced lifestyle means that you are putting enough time and attention intorepparttar 114050 different areas of your life in order to feel a sense of satisfaction. Major areas of your life include:

  • Career
  • Family & Friends
  • Significant Other/Romance
  • Health
  • Money
  • Personal/Spiritual Growth
  • Physical Environment

A good way to determinerepparttar 114051 level of balance in your life is to rate your satisfaction and fulfillment in each of these areas on a scale of 1 to 10 (with 1 being low and 10 being high). A person with a happy and balanced lifestyle will rate each area somewhere between an 8 and 10.

If your life is imbalanced then you may have some areas rated between 8 and 10, and others that are much lower. To create balance, you need to giverepparttar 114052 areas with a lower score much more time and attention than you have been.

Imagine for a moment that your life is like a car and that each tire represents a specific area of your life. Now imagine that one ofrepparttar 114053 tires is beginning to lose air. You can drive on that tire for some time with no problems, but then one day you will discover (and rather uncomfortably) that it has gone flat. You will constantly feelrepparttar 114054 thud, thud, thud ofrepparttar 114055 tire trying to make its way downrepparttar 114056 road, AND if you don't stop, you will eventually wearrepparttar 114057 tire right out, and driving becomes impossible.

Perhaps that tire representsrepparttar 114058 area of ‘health’ in your life. Attention needs to be given torepparttar 114059 tire (your health). It has to be repaired and air needs to be put back into it before you can be on your way, unless of course you have a spare inrepparttar 114060 back of your trunk, and you can fixrepparttar 114061 problem quickly by just replacing it (ie. you just drink more coffee and eat more sugar to keep you going throughrepparttar 114062 day, and just take another pain killer or antacid whenrepparttar 114063 headache and stomachache get too bad). The old flat tire gets thrown back inrepparttar 114064 trunk (and living a healthy lifestyle gets put onrepparttar 114065 backburner).

If you don't getrepparttar 114066 tire fixed right away (begin living a healthier lifestyle), it will begin to drain even more energy from you, because you know that you have to get it fixed, but don't. As time goes on, and you still haven’t done anything to fixrepparttar 114067 tire, your spare will eventually get a flat as well (because you can only drink more coffee and medicate your problems for so long). This time, there is no spare tire inrepparttar 114068 trunk to help you out and you are stuck alongrepparttar 114069 road of life without a vehicle to get you anywhere.

My question as a coach is: "Where in your life do you need to put more attention (air inrepparttar 114070 tire), and if it already has gone flat, what can you do to repair it?”

Bextra's Safety Questioned

Written by Bob Weiss

An increasing number of Americans are relieved to learn there are non-drug ways to ease pain now that safety questions have been raised about another well-known and widely used painkiller, Bextra.

Recent meetings ofrepparttar FDA were preceded by a petition from a leading consumer group, Public Citizen, asking thatrepparttar 114049 drug be taken offrepparttar 114050 market. Bothrepparttar 114051 FDA and Public Citizen raised concerns aboutrepparttar 114052 safety of Bextra, one ofrepparttar 114053 so-called Cox-2 inhibitors. The Cox-2 drugs Vioxx and Bextra were once viewed as “wonder drugs” for arthritis and painful menstrual cycles.

Bextra has moved intorepparttar 114054 spotlight whilerepparttar 114055 maker of Vioxx is being investigated. Vioxx was one ofrepparttar 114056 nation’s most popular ways to treat pain and arthritis and was taken by an estimated 20 million people before it was withdrawn fromrepparttar 114057 market. That happened after studies linked it to a heightened risk of heart attack and stroke – information that may not have been fully understood whenrepparttar 114058 drugs received FDA approval.

Researchers released information indicating thatrepparttar 114059 chances for heart attack following prolonged use of Vioxx were four times greater than with older over-the-counter pain relievers. It has also been linked to angina and stroke. A University of Pennsylvania study released at a meeting ofrepparttar 114060 American Cardiology Association indicated that those taking Bextra had a 2.19 times greater chance of heart attack, stroke, sudden death and Stevens Johnson Syndrome, a life threatening disorder in which blisters occur onrepparttar 114061 patient’s body.

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