Create Visibility For Yourself

Written by Leni Chauvin


Everyone in business has one thing in common. It doesn't matter whether you're a salesman, a coach, a dentist, an artist, a lawyer, running a nonprofit organization or a work-at-home-mom What we all need is to have people know about us. We can berepparttar very best in allrepparttar 121023 world at what we do, but if we haven't got any customers, clients, or patients what good will it do us? If you're just starting out or want to take your business torepparttar 121024 next level, you're probably a lot like many others inrepparttar 121025 same boat. You've got a limited budget for promoting your endeavor and there are so many things you could easily spend it on. It's like being a kid in a candy store all over again. So many choices, each as enticing asrepparttar 121026 next. Allrepparttar 121027 selections seem to be calling out, "Pick me." "Pick me." "Pick me." I'm talking about logos, Web sites, graphic designers, brochures,1-800 numbers, business cards, advertisements, Yellow Pages listings, and memberships galore. They all cost money and they're all shouting, "Pick me." What if you can't pick one, though? What if you need to bring in more business before you can spend money on bringing in more business? The solution is very simple and it boils down to just one thing: networking. That is by farrepparttar 121028 least expensive and most effective method of marketing known to wo/man. If you're serious about becomingrepparttar 121029 success you know you were meant to be, I urge you to do two things now: 1) STEP AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER and 2) create visibility for yourself because that's where it all begins. That means leavingrepparttar 121030 safety ofrepparttar 121031 confines of your cubicle, office, or spare bedroom and getting out to see and be seen over and over again. After all, when people are inrepparttar 121032 market for your product or service who do you think they'll think of to help them: someone they met once at a party 18 months ago or someone they see and speak to repeatedly? One way to get yourself noticed is to set a routine and stick with

A Wake Up Call To Always Remember

Written by Karin Manning

I received two emails this weekend. Both were as a result of autoresponder follow ups these people were receiving from my business.

The first was full of expletives that aren’t worth repeating. The second I shall remember always. It affected me so much that I felt compelled to write this article and share my story with you.

I received an email from a woman who had been receiving follow ups regarding an affiliate program I belong to. This would have been aboutrepparttar twentieth follow up. I have removal instructions atrepparttar 121022 end of every email, however, it never ceases to surprise merepparttar 121023 number of people who don’t remove themselves fromrepparttar 121024 follow up and then abuse me because they are still receiving them. However, that is byrepparttar 121025 by.

Instead of abuse I got a story. For some reason this woman had written to me to tell me exactly why she can’t take up my offer at this time, though she had read every single email and told me she will keep my details for future reference.

I am honoured that she shared her story with me, though I don’t know how deserving I was of hearing it.

Words cannot express how I felt after reading her story. And it made me realise thatrepparttar 121026 ultimate goal is notrepparttar 121027 sale. The ultimate goal is to realise that every email address we follow up with belongs to a real person. A person with disappointments in their lives, with tragedies to deal with, a person who has absolutely nothing to give at this time to anything other than their own personal lives.

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