Crazy Colors Fun Kid Experiment as a Party Activity

Written by Anne-Marie Killer

Here is an easy, inexpensive and fun kid experiment for your next kid birthday party.

This activity, which is strictly speaking a kid science experiment, can be used in any party as entertainment. Even better: have a "Mad Chemist" theme and use this idea as one ofrepparttar kid experiments.

Fill a plate or saucer with milk and put in a few drops of food coloring on top ofrepparttar 110633 milk in different spots. The smallerrepparttar 110634 dropsrepparttar 110635 better.

Use a spoon to pour a small amount of dishwashing liquid intorepparttar 110636 milk. Pouring it intorepparttar 110637 center works best.

Now watchrepparttar 110638 colors dance and explode.

This might sound very simple to you, but I've done this a few times with kids aged 6 - 10 and was amazed at how much pleasure this gave them! Let them each do their own - provide

27 Tips to a Successful Prom

Written by Lisa Jay

Print out this checklist and follow it to ensure that you are ready forrepparttar Prom.

Four Months before Prom:

___Set Budget - Find out how much money your parents are willing to contribute to your prom. Start to earn and save money to coverrepparttar 110632 difference. ___Magazines - Buy a few Prom magazines and look through them to find retailers of dresses and accessories. ___Dress - Start to get ideas of what type of dress you would like to buy. Cut out pictures from magazines and start a scrap book. ___Hairstyles - Clip potential hairstyles from books and websites. ___Skin Care - Time to get your skin looking its best. Drink a lot of water, eat fruit, exercise, and wash your face nightly before going to bed. Make sure that you keep up this regiment untilrepparttar 110633 Prom. ___Schedule Dental Appointment - Make an appointment for two weeks prior to your prom. This way your smile can be it’s brightest. ___Getrepparttar 110634 Guy - Pick out your perfect dream date and make sure that he decides that you are his perfect date as well.

Three Months before Prom:

___Order your Dress - Shopping for a dress can be done on-line or locally. With your ideas already in a scrap book and your magazines listing local retailers you should be ready to findrepparttar 110635 perfect dress. ___Alterations - Don’t put this off. Get your alterations done early. It does not cost a lot and having a perfect fit is worth it! ___Accessories - You’ve gotrepparttar 110636 dress, but don’t stop there. You have to have a knock out pair of earrings, necklace and shoes to completerepparttar 110637 look. Make sure that you buy a small handbag to match your dress. You will need something to carry cash, ID, and a phone for emergencies. ___To Limo or not to Limo? - If you are planning to rent a limo then it is time to make reservations. You may be required to make a deposit. Be make sure to get a receipt and noterepparttar 110638 person that took your reservation. Ifrepparttar 110639 cost seems to be out of your budget, go together with several other people to minimizerepparttar 110640 cost. ___Restaurant Reservations - Decide where you will be dining and make your reservations early.

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