Cracked Up Glossary Of Common Gym Terms

Written by Nick Nilsson

If you’ve ever had occasion to visit a gym, you’ve no doubt heard people talking about "feelingrepparttar burn" and "pumping up." But did you ever wonder what people were really saying? Here are some common terms and phrases that will help you to learn what is really going on inrepparttar 118284 gym.

1. In The Zone - Tired and incoherent during a workout. Commonly described out ofrepparttar 118285 gym as "spaced out."

2. Extended Warm-Up - 20 minutes at low tension onrepparttar 118286 stationary bike then 20 minutes of casual stretching then a shower.

3. "Just One More Rep" - Said to a spotter during a set. Really means: "Liftrepparttar 118287 weight for me."

4. Forced Reps - Forrepparttar 118288 reluctant exerciser, every single rep of a workout is a forced rep. This is especially true when they have a mean trainer.

5. Hack Squat - The position a cat gets into when he’s coughing up a hairball, commonly mistaken as a leg exercise.

6. "Can I work in with you?" - Translation: "Can I remove all your weights and sweat all over your bench?"

7. Drop Sets - What sometimes happens after doing a hard set of dumbell bench presses. A triple drop set occurs when you drop two dumbells and yourself torepparttar 118289 floor.

8. Bulking Up - Name forrepparttar 118290 phase during which an otherwise healthy trainer will try to get bigger and fatter on purpose.

9. "I’m maxing out" - Translation: "I was going for 6 reps but I put too much weight onrepparttar 118291 bar and only got 1."

10. Cool-down - Sit on a bench and drink from a water bottle while talking about how much more you’ll lift next time.

The Lighter Side of Spam

Written by Tim Ward

Every morning when sit down atrepparttar ole computer and go to check my email I know two things will happen. (1) I won't have received any new sign-ups in any ofrepparttar 118283 hundreds of affiliate programs that 'guaranteed' me a massive downline and (2) I will have at least 30 emails that are unsolicited or SPAM.

As an experienced 'Interneter' (definition: One who spends way too much time onrepparttar 118284 internet) I know thatrepparttar 118285 lack of sign-ups may change. One morning I may awaken to 30 new affiliates in each of my programs. Or at least that's what my guru friends keep telling me... The SPAM however, 'ain't goin' nowhere.' It's just become a fact of internet life. 'He Who Hath Email, Will Get SPAM.'

I personally userepparttar 118286 Delete-It-And-Forget-About-It Method to deal with SPAM. This time tested method has three basic steps:

1. Selectrepparttar 118287 'suspected' spam email (Note: I userepparttar 118288 term suspected because accordingrepparttar 118289 Internet Law Code Title 12 Chapter 15 Subtitle 3 'All spam is innocent until proven guilty by a jury of it's peers, or until it emails a virus to your whole address book.)'

2. Hitrepparttar 118290 'Delete' button

3. Move on torepparttar 118291 next email

This highly complicated method for dealing with SPAM is not, I have found, for everyone. There are some people who feel that this method lets spammers off too easily. These are people who feel very strongly about SPAM. They don't just dislike SPAM, they DESPISE it. I'm talking aboutrepparttar 118292 kind of people who, judging by their actions, must be allergic to SPAM.

These kind of people preferrepparttar 118293 I'm-Going-To-Get-You-If-It's-The-Last-Thing-I-Do-Online Method. This method involves any or all ofrepparttar 118294 following steps:

1. Quitting your day job so you can have more time to write nasty replies to allrepparttar 118295 emails that you get that you don't remember requesting.

2. Doing an exhaustive 30 hour online search for a suspected spammers IP address so you can report them to their ISP. And their hosting services. And their mother.

4. Attempting to get in touch with Tom Ridge, newly appointed Director of Homeland Security, because you think spamming is a form of terrorism.

5. Showing up at suspected spammers front door at 3 AM wielding an AK-47 assault rifle and wearing only WWJD bandana and a mousepad, and shouting, "If I want Spam I'll buy a can" between gunshots.

However you deal with SPAM is of course your business. I, by nature, am a passive person (by passive I mean lazy) so SPAM doesn't usually annoy me torepparttar 118296 point where I feelrepparttar 118297 need to take action. I will admit that occasionally though SPAM does get me a little angry. Like when I open my inbox and see that ofrepparttar 118298 25 unread emails I have, 20 have subject lines like:

* Let Me Show You How To Make An Extra $5000 An Hour Selling Squid!

* Hot Blonde Men Want You!

* Congratulations You've Won An All Expense Paid Trip To Uzbekistan

* Do You Know What You're Children Are Doing Online? (A quick note to all spammers: If you are going to illegally fill my inbox with SPAM at least be kind enough to send me something that might interest me. SPAM about children does not interest me inrepparttar 118299 slightest bit seeing as I have none. And if I did have kids I wouldn't care what they did online as long as they stayed quiet and left me alone. Thanks.

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