Country Living... Help For Attention Deficit Disorder?

Written by Ron Rougeaux

Country Living... Help For Attention Deficit Disorder? Scientists don't understand why Attention Deficit Disorder is increasing so quickly. (News)

Scientists don't understand why Attention Deficit Disorder is increasing so quickly.

One reason may be that more and more people are living in congested, overcrowded situations.

A hundred years ago when most of us lived on farms or in small towns with a lot of rural space around us...ADD ADHD wasn't even recognized byrepparttar medical community.

However, there may be something torepparttar 144011 constant stimulation of modern life.

With its quick pace and automobiles, microwaves, cell phones and computers, these devices can over-stimulate and stress out those who suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder.

Some scientists actually believe living in crowded cities causes changes torepparttar 144012 human brain...and ADD ADHD isrepparttar 144013 result of those changes.

In any event, scientists DO know that there are more instances of Attention Deficit Disorder among people who live in overcrowded apartment buildings with no access to wide green areas or natural surroundings.

Antidepressants 101- What You Absolutely Need to Know

Written by Mansi gupta

Introduction Change in social and economical states throughoutrepparttar world although has brought prosperity amongrepparttar 144010 individuals ofrepparttar 144011 world but at a price. It has brought both physical and mental stressors. Now people have to work harder and under mental tensions. Nowrepparttar 144012 depression is prevalent everywhere at office, in transport and also at home. To relieve those stressors people are trying every type of therapy be it drugs or some exercise or some kind of psychotherapy so as to work efficiently.

What is depression? Depression is basically a pathological change in mood. For being diagnosed as depressed medically one has to have certain well defined symptoms such as early morning awakening, decreased or increased appetite, decreased interest, sense of guilt, etc. continuously for a period of 2 weeks. Fromrepparttar 144013 biochemical point of view atrepparttar 144014 neuronal level it is hypothesized that there is a lack of nor adrenaline and Serotonin atrepparttar 144015 neuronal nerve endings.

Different types of antidepressants Modern day antidepressants are classified broadly into nor adrenaline and serotonin reuptake inhibitors, selective serotonin reuptake intake inhibitors andrepparttar 144016 atypical ones. As stated above,repparttar 144017 cause of depression is lack of nor adrenaline and serotonin and hence most ofrepparttar 144018 antidepressants are meant to serve that purpose for e.g. some like imipramine increaserepparttar 144019 concentration of nor adrenaline and serotonin while selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) like fluoxetine blockrepparttar 144020 uptake and hence increaserepparttar 144021 concentration of serotonin. The atypical antidepressants like mianserin increaserepparttar 144022 release of nor adrenaline atrepparttar 144023 neuronal nerve endings causerepparttar 144024 elevation of mood. Extreme forms of depression are associated with suicidal tendencies and they are mostly treated by electro convulsive therapy.

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