Could this be arthritis in my hands?

Written by Rusty Ford

Ask Rusty Arthritis Questions answered by Rusty Ford Editor of

Could this be arthritis in my hands?

Hi Rusty. A few days ago, I slightly injured a finger on my hand. Now my hand is swelling with severe joint pain inrepparttar fingers. At first I thought this was a possible sprain in that region, but now my other hand is showingrepparttar 115220 same swelling ofrepparttar 115221 fingers and pain ofrepparttar 115222 joints. Should I go check this out right away? It doesn't seem to be getting worse today, butrepparttar 115223 pain and swelling are persistent. Could this be a sudden arthritis attack? I'm 38 years old and in good health (I just had a check-up atrepparttar 115224 doctor last week andrepparttar 115225 blood work came back okay).

Your advice is greatly appreciated.


Ouch, a little sprain is not supposed to do that. Unfortunately some times it does. I am sorry to hear about this. It is not unusual for arthritis to begin in an effected joint. It is notrepparttar 115226 norm for it to set in so quickly. There are different kinds of arthritis that can effectrepparttar 115227 hands and feet that can cause swelling. It is possible that arthritis was already beginning but not showing symptoms yet but this triggered a symptomatic response.


Written by Patty Avey

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"A peculiar accident reported byrepparttar National Safety Council involved two housewives in separate cases. Both were using an ordinary toilet bowl cleaner. Not satisfied withrepparttar 115219 way it was removing stain, each one added some household bleach and stirred with a brush. One died quickly,repparttar 115220 other spent a long time inrepparttar 115221 hospital."

Chlorine is a toxic, yellow-green gas that is one of today's most heavily used chemical agents. Serious risks to our health andrepparttar 115222 health ofrepparttar 115223 environment are being caused byrepparttar 115224 widespread use of chlorine. The use of chlorine in household cleaners has recently raised much controversy.

Many household cleaners contain chlorine butrepparttar 115225 labels indicaterepparttar 115226 alias names of "sodium hypochlorite" or "hypochlorite." Whether chlorine is found alone or in a mixture with other chemicals, household products that contain chlorine pose a number of serious health risks. Automatic dishwashing detergents, chlorine bleach, chlorinated disinfectant cleaners, mildew removers and toilet bowl cleaners are some ofrepparttar 115227 products of special concern.

The fumes of cleaners containing a high concentration of chlorine when breathed in can irritaterepparttar 115228 lungs and be particularly dangerous for people who suffer from heart conditions or chronic respiratory problems such as asthma or emphysema. Whenrepparttar 115229 fumes are emitted in small, poorly ventilated rooms such asrepparttar 115230 bathroom,repparttar 115231 risks are increased. Chlorine is also a highly corrosive material which is capable of damaging skin, eyes and other membranes.

When using detergents that contain chlorine inrepparttar 115232 dishwasher or clothes washerrepparttar 115233 air in your home becomes polluted through a process called "volatilization" which takes place whenrepparttar 115234 chlorine inrepparttar 115235 water transfersrepparttar 115236 chlorine torepparttar 115237 air. We then breatherepparttar 115238 contaminated air. Dishwashers arerepparttar 115239 worst offenders as they release chemicals in a steamy mist whenrepparttar 115240 door is opened after washing. In a clothes washer, chorine mixes withrepparttar 115241 dirt in clothes to create airborne, toxic chlorinated organic chemicals.

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