Could You and Your Business Benefit from a Business Coach or a Consultant?

Written by Vishal P. Rao

The surprising answer is "probably". Most individuals don't realize that a certified business coach or business consultant can add enormously to their home based or more traditional type business. Many individuals think a business coach or consultant will come into their business and tell them things that they don't want to hear.

Nothing can be further fromrepparttar truth. A business coach or consultant will try to userepparttar 100259 resources/personnel already present in a business, and will implement strategies that will enhancerepparttar 100260 interaction and productivity of all concerned.

A business coach or consultant will "steer"repparttar 100261 business into a clearer focus, better productivity, better management, and more powerful interactions. Business coaches and consultants can assist any and all types of businesses. Business owners who want faster results for their businesses, are committed to excellence in business, who want to develop their reputations, or who are experiencing problems within their current businesses are all prime candidates for business coaching and consultation.

Here is a small checklist of benefits that may occur withrepparttar 100262 use of a business coach or consultant:

1. Increase in Clarity: Your business will draw clearer distinctions regarding present conditions and situations and have a clearer picture ofrepparttar 100263 future.

2. Increase in Focused Direction: The possibilities become clearer andrepparttar 100264 paths to each goal become more distinct.

3. Increase in Time: More time is expended productively, while eliminatingrepparttar 100265 time wasting activities.

4. Increase in Follow Through: Completeness and timeliness of projects increases.

5. Increase in Commitment: A more thorough investment of all personnel in processes and goals.

6. Increase in Effective Communications: A more effective manner of communications is employed, for both clients and employees andrepparttar 100266 business owner.

7. Increase in Cooperation: Once all members of a business feel as if they are "understood" and valued, cooperation increases significantly.

8. Increase in Awareness of Existing Situations: Many situations may be exacerbated by expansion or additions, but can exist without awareness byrepparttar 100267 business owner for quite some time.

9. Increase in Stress Free Environments: Bothrepparttar 100268 business owner and employees may indeed be much happier and stress free after a coaching or consultation session. Issues are cleared up and thereforerepparttar 100269 burdens are left behind, easingrepparttar 100270 stress.

Are You Taking Care of Business?

Written by Patty Gale

Too often, when we say we are "taking care of business", we think aboutrepparttar paperwork,repparttar 100258 accounting,repparttar 100259 inventory, etc...repparttar 100260 trivial things that are important to get done in order for our business to run smoothly and efficiently. While necessary, they are notrepparttar 100261 most important.

We need to change our thinking about what "taking care of business" means. We need to make sales in order to have a profitable business, and we know without our customers or consultants, we don't have a business. They are our lifeblood, they are what keeps us moving forward, and meeting their needs should be our primary mission.

Without consultants or customers, there are no sales. Without sales, there is no revenue... without revenue, there is no business and we might as well go back and get a j.o.b. It is crucial that we take care of our customers and consultants. CRM (customer-relationship management) is a buzz-word in "big business". Many large corporations have implemented systems and technology to supposedly create customer care. Some have been successful, many have not.

Most of these systems simply giverepparttar 100262 illusion of customer care, but have failed miserably in actually providing it. How many times have you been throughrepparttar 100263 "round robin" of "press 1 for this" and "press 2 for that", only to spend an hour or more and never actually speak to a live person or get your problem solved? You hang up inrepparttar 100264 phone in frustration and vow never to spend money with XYZ Company again. This approach to customer care continues to baffle me as to why large companies believe this is effective. How can they possibly think that customer relationships can be created and nurtured by a recording?

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