Could You Be Setting Your Business Plan Up For Failure?

Written by Mike Elia


"It's unlikely a business plan by itself will bring funding inrepparttar door, unless it is part of an overall marketing strategy."

David E. Gumpert, author of "Burn Your Business Plan", tellsrepparttar 103556 story about how he and his partner failed to raise money after sending their business plan around to venture capitalists and meeting with several others to make presentations. Disappointed byrepparttar 103557 fruits of their labor, they considered giving up on their venture in 1995. Fortunately, onrepparttar 103558 advice of their board of advisors, they chose to divert their time from massagingrepparttar 103559 business plan to making sales. The financing, they were told, would come later.

Turns out that during 1996 they sold enough to stay afloat. But in 1997, sales failed to grow as quickly as they expected, so they decided to seek financing again. This time, they expected it would be easier to obtain financing, after all they were now fairly well established. Their advisory board, however, told them to continue to focus on promotingrepparttar 103560 business and making more sales.

If At First You Don't Succeed…

Instead of followingrepparttar 103561 board's sage advice, Gumpert and his partner decided to dust off their old business plan. They spent many hours rewriting and updatingrepparttar 103562 plan, and then set out once again to seek financing. And, once again, they were turned down. How could this be? Inrepparttar 103563 late 90's, it seemed like every new Internet-related venture inrepparttar 103564 world was obtaining financing. In fact, according torepparttar 103565 MoneyTree Survey, sponsored by Price Waterhouse Coopers, Venture Economics, andrepparttar 103566 National Venture Capital Association,repparttar 103567 amount of venture capital - $7.7 billion in 1995 - had grown to $16.4 billion by 1997.

Nonetheless,repparttar 103568 failed financing left Gumpert and his partner with two stark choices at this stage: Find ways to growrepparttar 103569 business without financing, or call it quits. They tookrepparttar 103570 first choice but took a different approach. They engaged public-relations professionals, and succeeded in getting several of their most successful corporate clients written up in business and industry trade publications - with their agency mentioned asrepparttar 103571 key force behind their clients' success. This publicity got their phones ringing with new prospects, several of which converted into additional sales.

Asrepparttar 103572 business grew, they remained on guard about monitoring their expenses and aggressively collecting receivables. By 1999, they were operating profitably at $2 million in annual revenues, with nearly 20 employees. Also, during this time,repparttar 103573 amount of venture capital being invested nationally had soared to an astounding $55.5 billion. But, Gumpert and his partner paid little attention to this; their interest in outside financing had dropped significantly.

The Power of Publicity

Gumpert and his partner carried their success into 1998 and 1999. Their promotional efforts eventually attractedrepparttar 103574 attention of a publicly held company that was seekingrepparttar 103575 expertise they offered in developing and managing online content. In December 1999 this company acquired Gumpert's company, NetMarquee. To Gumpert's surprise,repparttar 103576 acquirer never asked to see their business plan; it only wanted to see their financial projections under several different scenarios.

In recounting his financing experience, Gumpert makes two points: First, even during good times,repparttar 103577 venture capital route is closed torepparttar 103578 vast majority of businesses that seek it out. While it might have seemed back then that nearly every business asking for venture capital received it,repparttar 103579 reality is venture capitalists tend to reject, out of hand, most carefully crafted business plans. Second, you'll be surprised at what you can accomplish withoutrepparttar 103580 financing you think you so desperately need to stave off failure.

How to succeed and never fail

Written by Steve Dimeck

So, how can you succeed online without ever experiencingrepparttar feeling of failure?

Is that possible?

Let’s find out...

What are you currently working on? What are you trying to accomplish with your online business right now? Do you have a goal that you’re trying to accomplish?

Let’s look atrepparttar 103555 two possibilities.

When you accomplish your goal, what has really happened?

You’ve set your goal and you’ve successfully accomplished it. You feel good about yourself. Your self-esteem is higher. You’re off torepparttar 103556 next project.

The formula looks like this:

Set Goal + Accomplishment = Success


When you fail to accomplish your goal, what has really happened?

You've set your goal, but you’ve failed to accomplish it. You don't feel good about yourself. You start to have negative thoughts about yourself. Your self-esteem is lower.

The formula looks like this:

Set Goal - Accomplishment = Failure

How can we fix this so you never experiencerepparttar 103557 feeling of failure?

Let's explorerepparttar 103558 possibilities.

Even though you didn’t accomplish your goal, did you learn anything from it? What do you think wasrepparttar 103559 biggest reason why you didn’t accomplish it? What wasrepparttar 103560 problem that stopped you?

Whatever it was, it was something that you would have not learned otherwise. Don’t you agree?

Hence,repparttar 103561 formula now becomes:

Set Goal - Accomplishment = Failure + Lesson Learned

Now that you've discoveredrepparttar 103562 reason that caused you to fail, dig up some resources and gather some intelligence that would help you findrepparttar 103563 solution or solutions forrepparttar 103564 problem that stopped you from accomplishing your goal.

Armed with this solution or solutions forrepparttar 103565 problem, you now enjoy a double chance of accomplishing your goal.

Go at it again and DO NOT REPEATrepparttar 103566 same mistake.

Let’s just say that you have failed to accomplish your goal again.

What do you think wasrepparttar 103567 biggest reason why you didn’t accomplish it again? What did you learn from this second failure? Was it another problem that stopped you?

Whatever it was, it was something that you would have not learned otherwise.

The formula now looks like this:

Set Goal - Accomplishment = Failure + 2 Lessons Learned

Again, look for more resources and gather more intelligence that would help you findrepparttar 103568 solution or solutions for this new problem that stopped you from accomplishing your goal. And then go at it again but DO NOT REPEATrepparttar 103569 previous two mistakes.

Let’s just say that you have failed forrepparttar 103570 3rd time.

The formula looks like this:

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