Could You Be A Workaholic?

Written by David Leonhardt

Could You Be A Workaholic? By David Leonhardt

If you need to put on boots and grab a lap-top computer to relieve yourself at night, you might be a redneck workaholic.

It never crossed my mind that there could be such a thing as a redneck workaholic, until I read a column on “Are you a workaholic?”

“Did you read this?" I asked my wife. "Are you a workaholic? It looks just like those you-might-be-a-redneck jokes.”

My wife studiedrepparttar page. “Maybe it was written by a redneck alcoholic.” She suggested.

“Workaholic, not alcoholic.”

“How do you knowrepparttar 107115 writer is not an alcoholic?” she demanded.

“I don’t. Butrepparttar 107116 column is about workaholics, and it reads just like a series of redneck jokes.”

“Well, maybe it was written by a redneck workaholic, then.” She suggested.

“No way. There is no such a thing.”

“Why not?” she wanted to know.

“Because workaholics sit late in front of computer screens and steroid-laced in-boxes, wearing $500 suits and $550 haircuts. Folks out here wear $19.95 jeans and occasionally wash their hair.”

“But many of them do spend late hours in front of their computers,” my wife pointed out.

“Like who?”

“Like you.”

“Oh, yeah…”

“Being a workaholic is not just about computers and offices and taking out a mortgage for a haircut,” she added. “Look at Buster.”


“Sure, every time he’s set to retire, he goes and buys another machine,” she pointed out. “One year it was a backhoe. Another it was a dump truck.”

“Wow, he must be desperate this year.”

“Why?” my wife asked.

“Because this year he bought a whole combine…”

“Ooh, that does sound desperate.”

“…plus a farm to use it on!”

“See?” my wife smiled. “You don’t have to live inrepparttar 107117 city to be a workaholic. There can be such a thing as a workaholic redneck.

The Job Loss Myth

Written by Jean Fritz

Presidential candidate John Kerry is fond of stating that “... not since Herbert Hoover has any president lost more jobs than George W. Bush.” And there is a kernel of truth torepparttar statement; thanks to technology, jobs require less human intervention to complete. However, a larger factor in this seeming loss of employment is due torepparttar 107114 evolution ofrepparttar 107115 American workforce from a lot indentured torepparttar 107116 confines of one company or one job title towardrepparttar 107117 Jeffersonian ideal of every person being a free agent, or indie.

The explosion inrepparttar 107118 number of people going indie has a number of causes. Downsizing createdrepparttar 107119 realization that “job security” isn’t something other people provide, but something you have to create. Two-income families discovered that with their increased tax burden and overhead expenses for daycare, cleaning, housekeeping services, home maintenance and lawn care, a second income from paid full-time employment can actually be a liability. Individuals interested in becoming self-employed can segue more easily from employee to entrepreneur viarepparttar 107120 indie route. Finally, career changers can obtain valuable experience and networking opportunities in their field of choice with contract work.

Indies may lose company-provided benefits, but that doesn’t mean they are without means. As an independent contractor, they are eligible to create Medical Savings Accounts, or they may be eligible to participate in a group health plan through organizations such asrepparttar 107121 Chamber of Commerce. They can create their own retirement programs via SEP, SIMPLE, or IRA investments, orrepparttar 107122 direct purchase of government-backed I-bonds. If they work out of their homes, they have access to extensive tax deductions not available to wage earners.

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