Cosmetics to Avoid

Written by Lori Stryker

Many cosmetics we use every day are made from ingredients that may have adverse effects on our health. These may be derived from animals, microbes or are by-products of petroleum production. They may cause allergic reactions, contact dermatitis, or you may simply have ethical reasons prohibiting their use. When deciding on a cosmetic purchase, consider if your desired purchase has an all-natural alternative. The Organic Make-up Company has excellent, high quality alternatives to skin care and make-up cosmetics, which are free from allrepparttar ingredients listed below. Please visit our glossary for more information on our products' ingredients and this topic.

Chemical Ingredients:

Animal or Microbial Ingredient



Ammonium glycolate

Artificial colours Cl 77267 (bone charcoal) Cl 77268 (black bone charcoal)

Benzoates: sodium benzoate, benzoic acid




Why Switch To All Natural Cosmetics

Written by Lori Stryker

The human skin wraps and protects our bodies. It constitutes a living, dynamic tissue system. It hasrepparttar remarkable ability to absorb applied products, partially or completely, intorepparttar 114823 bloodstream. In fact, up to 60% ofrepparttar 114824 products we use on our skin are absorbed and deposited intorepparttar 114825 circulatory system (Fairley, 2001). For instance,repparttar 114826 average woman absorbs 30 pounds ofrepparttar 114827 ingredients contained in moisturizers over sixty years (Dr.Hauschka).

These new understandings of howrepparttar 114828 skin functions reveal concerns aboutrepparttar 114829 possible long term effects due torepparttar 114830 combination of chemicals used in cosmetics, often termedrepparttar 114831 "chemical cocktail effect". Several chemicals which are used in common, popular cosmetics are known irritants and carcinogens. Concern stems fromrepparttar 114832 knowledge that most of these ingredients are derived synthetically or from petroleum. Avoiding these substances serve to decrease overall exposure to harmful or irritating cosmetic ingredients.

In Canada, not all cosmetics list their ingredients on their labels, but most have toll free telephone numbers which link you to their customer service departments, where inquiries about ingredient lists can be made. Reading labels and recognizing problematic ingredients are necessary skills for a consumer who intends to choose products that are completely natural. The cost of a cosmetic is not a reliable indicator of either its quality or natural characteristics. Most cosmetics, fromrepparttar 114833 lowest priced, torepparttar 114834 most costly brands, are composed of identical base ingredients (Begoun, 1991).

Cosmetics do not stay onrepparttar 114835 surface ofrepparttar 114836 skin without penetrating to some degree. Lipstick wearers, for example, consume 1.5 to 4 tubes in a lifetime (Aveda). If one considersrepparttar 114837 ingredients being internalized byrepparttar 114838 body, absorbing plant oils and waxes, mineral pigments or essential oils is a healthier alternative than absorbing petroleum by-products and synthetic chemicals. The ability to chooserepparttar 114839 right cosmetics for you depends on accurate ingredient knowledge, personal needs and market choices. Caring for one's whole body includes skin care choices that support and contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

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