Copywriting FAQs

Written by Dina Giolitto

One ofrepparttar biggest challenges a copywriter faces is to make future clients feel confident in his or her ability. You know you can deliver, but your clients don't know that... yet! In my own experiences as a freelancer, I've noticed thatrepparttar 138433 most hesitant potential clients often askrepparttar 138434 same questions. Following are answers to help allay their fears.

Copywriting FAQ's:

1. How do I know your writing style isrepparttar 138435 right one for my company?

I understand where this question comes from, because I ask it myself when I need to solicitrepparttar 138436 help of another writer. A good copywriter would never inject her own personality or opinion intorepparttar 138437 work she does for other people. Rather, she adoptsrepparttar 138438 appropriate tone for their particular industry.

When it comes to writing, I consider myself something of a chameleon. If you take a look atrepparttar 138439 varied samples on my website,, you'll see that I can change my colors to suit a purpose. Am I Cybil? No, I'm just good at imitatingrepparttar 138440 way that people talk.

Professional copywriters will agree: language is a handy tool for manipulating emotions. If you choose your words carefully, you can make people respond in a certain way. If you know how your target audience thinks and speaks, you can communicate with them in a way that brings a favorable reaction. It's sort of like being emotionally multilingual!

How is a copywriter able to write a whimsical children's story one day and a hard-hitting marketing brochurerepparttar 138441 next? Acute awareness ofrepparttar 138442 audience, andrepparttar 138443 ability to switchrepparttar 138444 "voice" that comes out throughrepparttar 138445 words. You do this allrepparttar 138446 time without even thinking about it!

Let's say you're a lawyer by day, and a family man by night. Imagine yourself having a phone conversation with a client. What words do you choose to convey your message? What tone do you take? Later on, after you've hung up, you're tucking your little boy in forrepparttar 138447 night. He asks for a bedtime story. Do you speak to him inrepparttar 138448 same manner you used earlier onrepparttar 138449 phone? Of course not! You instinctively change your tone, from cool and professional to tender and fatherly. This isrepparttar 138450 same strategy that copywriters use to make their living. It's our job to represent YOUR company, by masteringrepparttar 138451 language that your audience understands.

2. We just became acquainted. How can you write for someone you barely know?

Once you sign a writing contract with me, I make it my business to know who you are and what you stand for. If you're a corporation, then I takerepparttar 138452 time to familiarize myself with your company philosophy. If you're an individual, I learn your goals and personal style. It's incredibly important for a copywriter to know what makes his clients tick... so that he can embody this in his writing and effectively drawn in a responsive audience. The process happens in steps.

1. We'll have an initial phone conversation or email correspondence.

2. I'll send you a questionnaire that you can either fill out in detail, or we can discuss overrepparttar 138453 phone.

3. I research your company, industry, and target audience.

Every so often I use an icebreaker to get things flowing between me and my entrepreneur clients. This is great fun for me, and my clients really seem to enjoy it, too. I send them what I call Twenty Questions; an informal quiz that will help me get a flavor for who they are. Two sample question fromrepparttar 138454 quiz:

- What'srepparttar 138455 thing that drives you get out of bed every morning, ready to face a new day? - If you were a superhero, what would your special power be?

Sounds a bit offrepparttar 138456 wall when placed in this context, but let me stress that I only userepparttar 138457 quiz on select clients (never for corporations). It works every time! Remember: my goal is to capturerepparttar 138458 essence of who you are and what you represent. We're going to keep on trying until we hitrepparttar 138459 nail onrepparttar 138460 head.

3. What do you know about branding?

People ask me this allrepparttar 138461 time. Branding is nothing more than a concept, but an unbelievably important one that should berepparttar 138462 basis for all of your advertising messages. Branding isrepparttar 138463 gradual process by which you burn your name intorepparttar 138464 mind ofrepparttar 138465 consumer. Some classic examples of branding at its finest? General Electric. McDonalds. Microsoft. You get an instant and distinct impression when you hear these names. That's some killer branding all right!

How To Write Ads That Get Response

Written by Lisa Packer

Your print ads should do more than just get noticed. Their job is to bring you business, and if all they do is lay around and attract attention, they’re no different fromrepparttar lazy employee who does nothing all day but look busy.

You wouldn’t give him more hours inrepparttar 137554 hopes that one day something productive will happen. And you shouldn’t keep running those “name recognition” ads inrepparttar 137555 hopes that one day sales will happen, either. You should fire those non-responsive ads and get some that pull their own weight. Here’s how:

1.Grab prospects with your headline. The single most important part of your ad isrepparttar 137556 headline. If yours isrepparttar 137557 name of your business, you are wasting your time and money by running it. Make it shout aboutrepparttar 137558 biggest benefit if buying your product or service, and you could increase response by as much as 300%.

2.Don’t talk about yourself. Talk aboutrepparttar 137559 benefits your prospect will enjoy by using your product or service. Focus entirely on your customer, not yourself, your history, your anything. It’s all about what’s in it for them.

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