Copyright Law and the Internet

Written by Radha Khalsa

The internet has made us all publishers and many ofrepparttar copyright laws apply. The internet is not considered public domain and any original work, including photos, art and text, are protected even if there is no copyright notice.

If you receive a complaint about your website,repparttar 118713 prudent course of action is to immediately removerepparttar 118714 material while you seek proof of ownership. If it comes to a court appearance, your immediate response will be viewed favorably.

There have been legal issues with certain types of linking. Currently, there is no problem with linking torepparttar 118715 front page of a website. If you use another company’s logo (like Amazon.Com’s), or imply a relationship, you must obtainrepparttar 118716 other company’s permission in writing. Oral agreements are acceptable but difficult to prove.

Deep linking is done when a link bypassesrepparttar 118717 front page of a website and links to an interior page. So far deep linking is okay (but unsettled), as long as it doesn’t imply a relationship. If your website contains outbound links, consider addingrepparttar 118718 following disclaimer to your website: By providing links to other sites, [your website name] does not guarantee, approve or endorserepparttar 118719 information or products available at these sites. Framing another website’s content has been found by one court to be an infringement of copyright. A website called TotalNews framed content from CNN andrepparttar 118720 Washington Post. They were ordered to stop framing and use text links only.

Don't Fall Victim to Internet Fraud-10 Tips For Safer Surfing

Written by Eric Buck

The Internet offers a global marketplace for consumers and businesses. However, criminals also recognizerepparttar potential of cyberspace. The same scams that have reached us by telephone and in our mailbox can now be found onrepparttar 118712 World Wide Web and in email. Organizations such asrepparttar 118713 National Fraud Information Center have emerged to help people recognize shady schemes in order to prevent further victims.

According torepparttar 118714 Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC), a partnership betweenrepparttar 118715 National White Collar Crime Center andrepparttar 118716 FBI,repparttar 118717 number of fraud victims is inrepparttar 118718 hundreds of thousands and total dollars lost are inrepparttar 118719 hundreds of millions, and rising at an exponential rate. A search on Google for "internet fraud" results in over 3,200,000 listings atrepparttar 118720 time of this writing!

It is difficult sometimes to tellrepparttar 118721 difference between reputable online sellers and criminals who userepparttar 118722 Internet to separate people from their money. You can protect yourself by learning how to recognizerepparttar 118723 danger signs of fraud. If you are a victim of Internet fraud, it is important to file a complaint withrepparttar 118724 IFCC at quickly so that law enforcement agencies can quickly shut downrepparttar 118725 fraudulent operations. ·Know whom you're dealing with. Ifrepparttar 118726 seller or charity is unfamiliar, check with your state or local consumer protection agency andrepparttar 118727 Better Business Bureau ( Searchrepparttar 118728 Federal Trade Commission website ( forrepparttar 118729 company or organization that you are considering doing business with. Some Web sites have feedback forums, which can provide useful information about other people's experiences with particular sellers. Getrepparttar 118730 physical address and phone number (and actually make a call before you give them money-to make sure thatrepparttar 118731 phone number is correct) in case there is a problem later. ·Guard your personal information. Make sure that any website that requires sensitive information is encrypted. An encrypted website usually has a yellow padlock symbol somewhere onrepparttar 118732 page, typically atrepparttar 118733 bottom. Don't provide your credit card or bank account number unless you are actually paying for something. Your social security number should not be necessary unless you are applying for credit. Be especially suspicious if someone claiming to be from a company with whom you have an account asks for information thatrepparttar 118734 business already has. ·Payrepparttar 118735 safest way. Credit cards arerepparttar 118736 safest way to pay for online purchases because you can disputerepparttar 118737 charges if you never receive your order, or ifrepparttar 118738 offer was misrepresented. Federal law limits your liability to $50 if someone makes unauthorized charges to your account, and most credit card issuers will remove them completely if you reportrepparttar 118739 problem promptly. ·Look for information about how complaints are handled. It can be difficult to resolve complaints, especially ifrepparttar 118740 seller or charity is located in another country. Look on their website for information about programs that require standards for reliability and assistance in handling disputes with whichrepparttar 118741 company or organization participates.

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