Cool Summer Gazpacho

Written by Tim Sousa

Cool Summer Gazpacho

This refreshing tomato soup is a great cool meal for those hot summer days. If you don't like your food spicy, you can leave outrepparttar jalapenos, if you like it spicier, just add a few drops of your favorite hot sauce. Enjoy!

5 medium tomatoes, peeled 1 cucumber, peeled and seeded 1/2 large onion 3 cloves of garlic 2 jalapenos, seeded 1 12oz. can of tomato juice 1 Tbsp chopped fresh cilantro 1 Tbsp chopped fresh chives 1 tsp worcestershire sauce 1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar 1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1 Tbsp lime juice

Wine Tasting

Written by Daniella

Wine Tasting Component I: Look

The first step you have to undertake in wine tasting is visual.

1. Fill uprepparttar glass up to 1/3 of its volume; never fill it more than half;

2. Holdrepparttar 147485 glass byrepparttar 147486 stem. Initially you may find this too pretentious but there are good reasons for it:

а) by doing it this way you can actually observerepparttar 147487 wine in it;

b) this will keep your fingerprints offrepparttar 147488 bowl;

c)repparttar 147489 heat from your palm will not changerepparttar 147490 temperature ofrepparttar 147491 wine. There’s a good saying by one ofrepparttar 147492 greatest French wine lovers, Emil Painot: Offer someone a glass of wine and you can immediately tell whether he/she is a connoisseur byrepparttar 147493 way they holdrepparttar 147494 glass.” Even though you may not think of yourself as a connoisseur, you could still learn how to holdrepparttar 147495 wine glass.

3. Focus onrepparttar 147496 color intensity andrepparttar 147497 transparency ofrepparttar 147498 liquid.

a)repparttar 147499 color ofrepparttar 147500 wine, and more specifically its nuances, are best observed on a white background.

b)repparttar 147501 wine’s intensity is best judged by holdingrepparttar 147502 glass without slanting it and looking atrepparttar 147503 liquid from above;

4. Next comesrepparttar 147504 swirling ofrepparttar 147505 glass. This can also seem too pretentious or even dangerous if you have a full glass or a white top. But this movement is important since it prepares you forrepparttar 147506 next step in wine tasting –repparttar 147507 Taste. The easiest way to swirlrepparttar 147508 glass is to place it on a table or other even surface, and to swirl your hand while holdingrepparttar 147509 glass byrepparttar 147510 stem. Swirl hard and haverepparttar 147511 wine almost touchrepparttar 147512 rim ofrepparttar 147513 glass. Then stop. The wine leaves tiny traces with irregular shapes onrepparttar 147514 inside ofrepparttar 147515 glass. Some “experts” then read them with as much zeal as coffee-tellers. The truth is however, that they are just an indicator forrepparttar 147516 quality ofrepparttar 147517 wine –repparttar 147518 more alcohol a wine has,repparttar 147519 more wine traces it forms.

What doesrepparttar 147520 color ofrepparttar 147521 wine tell us? The wine’s color tells us many things about its character. First,repparttar 147522 color showsrepparttar 147523 grape variety. Let’s take two popular varieties as examples – cabernet sauvignon and pinot noir. Cabernet’s grapes are smaller, with a thicker and darker skin than those of pinot noir. As a result,repparttar 147524 color of wines made from cabernet sauvignon is usually described as violet to dark whilerepparttar 147525 color of wines made from pinot noir is associated with ruby.

Second,repparttar 147526 color is influenced byrepparttar 147527 climatic conditions. A hot summer and dry fall result in ripe grapes, with a dark, intense color. A cold summer and rainy fall will produce undeveloped grapes with a lighter color.

Third, wine-making practices also have an influence onrepparttar 147528 color of wine. For red wine,repparttar 147529 grapes are fermented withrepparttar 147530 skin. Sincerepparttar 147531 coloring agents are inrepparttar 147532 grape skin, and not inrepparttar 147533 juice,repparttar 147534 longerrepparttar 147535 process of maceration, i.e.repparttar 147536 longerrepparttar 147537 skin stays withrepparttar 147538 juice,repparttar 147539 darkerrepparttar 147540 wine color will be.

Fourth,repparttar 147541 process of wine aging also has an influence onrepparttar 147542 color of wine. The young red wines are rich in coloring agents and that makes their color denser and fuller. Inrepparttar 147543 course of time chemical reactions take place inrepparttar 147544 bottle and a sediment is formed atrepparttar 147545 bottom. The wine’s color gets lighter and is often described as brick or amber.

Let’s go through an example: you pour yourself a glass of red wine and after carefully observing it, you notice a full granite color, good density, and not so good transparency. What conclusions can you draw?

Well, you can safely say thatrepparttar 147546 wine is: - from cabernet sauvignon grapes; - from a Southern region; - relatively young; - from a good yield; - thatrepparttar 147547 wine-maker has gone for a good long maceration.

If you knowrepparttar 147548 wine, compare what you know with what you see: mayberepparttar 147549 wine has a very full color andrepparttar 147550 yield has been bad – this speaks of a good wine-making technique; or mayberepparttar 147551 wine is too pale for its age – this speaks for undeveloped grape or poor wine-making technique.

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