Cooking Lesson: Seasoning Cast Iron Like the Pros

Written by Michael Lansing

Inrepparttar days before we had non-stick cookware, we hadrepparttar 141086 next best thing – seasoned cast iron cookware. While non-stick cookware has certainly outdone cast iron cookware inrepparttar 141087 non-stick category, cast iron pots and pans are still favored by many chefs, includingrepparttar 141088 professionals because of their durability and ability to retain flavor.

But, if you’re not lucky enough to have a hand-me-down from Grandma, you may find yourself confused about how to become a cast iron chef. Have no fear – you can learn to season cast iron cookware withrepparttar 141089 pros and keep them in great shape for years to come.

Seasoning New Cast Iron Cookware

The process is actually quite simple. When done correctly, your pans will last a long time and may even become your own hand-me -downs inrepparttar 141090 future.

1.Heat your oven to 300 degrees. 2.Coatrepparttar 141091 pan with lard or grease. (Be sure that you do not use vegetable oil or commercial cooking sprays. While they may seem easier, they will not only cause your cookware to be seasoned incorrectly, but they will also leave a sticky film onrepparttar 141092 outside ofrepparttar 141093 cookware that is impossible to remove.) 3.Placerepparttar 141094 pan inrepparttar 141095 oven onrepparttar 141096 middle rack and allow it to bake for 15 minutes. 4.Removerepparttar 141097 pan and pour out any excess grease or lard. 5.Putrepparttar 141098 pan back intorepparttar 141099 oven and bake for another two hours. 6.Repeat as needed

Many cast iron enthusiasts will swear upon repeatingrepparttar 141100 seasoning process several times before ever usingrepparttar 141101 cookwarerepparttar 141102 first time. Each time you seasonrepparttar 141103 cookware,repparttar 141104 seasoning bond becomes stronger. Many people will recommend thatrepparttar 141105 first few timesrepparttar 141106 cookware is used it should be used to cook greasy foods (bacon, fatty meats, etc.) to again strengthenrepparttar 141107 seasoning bond.

Re-seasoning Cookware

Vegetarian Tips: Make Your Vegetarian Diet A Balanced Diet!

Written by Jasdeep Singh

The world has opened eyes torepparttar harmful side-effects of non-veg food like red meat and is now opening arms to Vegetarian Food. A very common myth found among common man is that vegetarian food doesnt provide you with necessary nutrients but a Vegetarian Diet, in no ways, is deprived of necessary nutrients, Only if you have a balanced Vegetarian Diet. Make sure you eat a lot of fruits and dont follow particular monotonous meals.

Some Nutrients you dont come across normally in Vegetarian Diets are:-

a) Iron

b) Calcium

c) Zinc

d) Protien

e) Vitamin D

f) Vitamin B12

But you can always have vegetarian source for these nutrients. On a other side ofrepparttar 140855 coin, there are a lots of benifits of Vegetarian Food (incomplete) . They are rich in

. You can Find Iron inrepparttar 140856 following Vegetarian Food items:- Cashews, tomato juice, rice, garbanzo beans (chick peas) and tofu.

. You can Find Calcium inrepparttar 140857 following Vegetarian Food items:- Dairy products, fortified soymilk, fortified orange juice, tofu and broccoli.

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