Cookies: How to Improve Your Website AND Learn From Your Visitors

Written by Steve Nash

Question: How can you improve your visitors' experience of your website AND atrepparttar same time learn how to improve your website (or learn how to increase sales)?

Answer: cookies

Cookies? Yes. Let me explain...


A "cookie" is simply a small piece of text information which a web server stores temporarily with your web visitor's browser. (Note: cookies are *not* programs.) This means your visitor's browser remembers some specific information whichrepparttar 134492 web server can later retrieve.

So cookies simply allow your site to store information on your visitor's computer for later retrieval.

A basic example of a cookie in action can be found here -

Another example isrepparttar 134493 "online shopping mall" that uses cookies to add items to a user's "shopping cart" as they browse. And I use cookies on my own website to make sure a pop-up window loads ONCE ONLY ( ).


Basically, cookies allow you to improve a site visitor's experience of your website. I've listed a few examples to show how this can be achieved:

* Cookies can store visitor preferences. This means you can present customised information to your visitor, as per their own requirements. (This is how portal sites like MSN work.)

* Cookies can pre-fill form fields for your visitor.

* Cookies can automatically login visitors to your site

* Cookies can provide visitor statistics and therefore help you understand your visitor's needs. Cookies can provide site metrics like unique visitors, average number of page-views, percentage of repeat visitors, et cetera. And cookie-generated statistics are much more accurate than using log files.

(Do remember though, that people sometimes share computers; some browsers are set to reject cookies; AND cookies can be erased.)

So not only are cookies an efficient way of keeping track of information, they also help personalise a site visitor's experience of your site.

And that'srepparttar 134494 point with cookies - how can *you* help your site visitor? (No, it doesn't mean how can you invade your visitors' privacy! The use of cookies can be abused by site owners, but this ultimately leads to cookie-blocking software being installed and used; so set your cookies cautiously!)

You cant just build a website and hope it works!

Written by Peter Simmons

Like any area of business your website needs some effort from you if its going to be successful. You'd be foolish to just build any old website and hope it works. Yet this approach, or rather lack of approach, is still widespread onrepparttar internet. Businesses still dont seem to understand whatrepparttar 134491 internet can do to benefit them and their customers. They just dont get it.

This is not a new criticism, people have been saying it for years. Notice i usedrepparttar 134492 word people, because thats exactly who suffers. You, me andrepparttar 134493 millions of people like us who are visiting those sites during our virtual travels. Many of these businesses do actually have great products and services to offer us, its just that they havent putrepparttar 134494 effort in to find out what we, their customers want. They havent bothered to find out about us, about our needs, about our wishes. They have other more pressing priorities it seems. So they just present them to us any old way and hope we dont notice or are too stupid to notice. Dont they understand they are losing sales, customers, repeat customers, referrals and more?

Whether your business has a whole team working on your website or just you, its going to take some effort and commitment to get to a point where your website is satisfying your customers. A website where you have a direct conversation with your visiting potential customers. A conversation where they feel you are talking directly to them. A conversation where they feel you understand them. You understand their needs and wishes like no other business has done before. In short, a place where you connect with your customers and they connect with you. A place where you are entirely focused on them, NOT on you. Not on your products, not on your credentials or ego, not on anything else about you.

For example, instead of just detailing information about your products, present your information in a way that is valuable to them. Of course, they will want to know what your product does and some key information about how it works, etc. But present it to them so that they know instantly and precisely how they benefit from it: How much money they will save with it. How much time they will save with it. How it will make their life better. How it will make their life easier, etc.

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