Convey Your Message

Written by Judi Singleton

When writing anything to your readers it isrepparttar words that count. Isn't thatrepparttar 103513 whole idea to communicate to your reader what you want them to understand? How can you convey to your readers what you want to say in an interesting way that will make them pass by other things that are sent to them and have them stop and actually read what you have to say. In this fast paced world even in person it is hard to get people to listen. So now you not only want them to listen but you actually want them to take their time and read something.

First you must write something interesting that conveys your meaning, while keeping it short. It must catch their eye immediately. It needs to be without errors and be compelling copy. It is always a good idea to have someone else proof your copy.

How can you get your article, ad, sales letter to stand out fromrepparttar 103514 rest. No matter what anyone says, misspelling, bad grammar, 25 explanation points just does not work.

It is always a good idea to subscribe to a number of business publications and readrepparttar 103515 sales letters, ads, articles. What catches your eye. What draws your interest right away. There are some really good authors out there. When something catches your interest right away you might want to keep that ad, article, salesletter to see what it was that interested you right offrepparttar 103516 bat.

Mental vs. Physical Activity in Marketing

Written by Marilyn Jenett

This article addressesrepparttar issue about whether one can attract or magnetize circumstances without taken "action." Its intention is to create better understanding in your minds aboutrepparttar 103512 use of mental and spiritual laws for success andrepparttar 103513 relationship between mental and physical action and work.

Let's Get Mental

Yes, indeed, marketing your business is an activity. But that does not mean thatrepparttar 103514 activity is necessarily "physical".

Mental activity is thousands and thousands times more potent than physical activity. In fact, mental activity is a precursor torepparttar 103515 right physical activity that gets results. However, physical activity is not necessarily required if you understand and apply mental activity. It is not magic. It is law. As I like to say, once you understand howrepparttar 103516 laws work,repparttar 103517 "supernatural" becomes quite natural. You realize thatrepparttar 103518 Universe is indeed magnetic and thought and feeling has more vibratory pull than any magnet you could imagine.

So I think it behooves anyone who wants to be successful to become aware ofrepparttar 103519 relationship of mental and physical activity and know when either is indicated. There isrepparttar 103520 right mental activity, which can in and of itself attract withoutrepparttar 103521 need for physical activity AND there isrepparttar 103522 right mental activity that inspires a corresponding right physical action/activity that produces results. Ifrepparttar 103523 right mental activity is not included, then one will end up likerepparttar 103524 majority ofrepparttar 103525 population - doing and doing, acting and acting but not succeeding.

You are using these laws all ofrepparttar 103526 time whether you realize it or not. Only you are most likely not using them forrepparttar 103527 purpose and intention that you desire consciously. How many things have you attracted into your life that you feel you did nothing to deserve and asked, "Why did this happen?" You didn't "work" for those things. Yet they happened. Why? These results wererepparttar 103528 outcropping ofrepparttar 103529 thoughts and impressions that were established in your mind subconsciously.

Now,repparttar 103530 laws I am presenting to you do not indicate that you are to spend all of your time sitting around doing nothing. I won't even address that because it is just plain ridiculous. I believe I am articulate enough in my writing to get my meaning across - if you will read carefully.

However,repparttar 103531 absolute truth is that yes, we can attract circumstances to us without physical action. I have lived my life accomplishing that way. When you understand fully that thoughts are things and all physical things are in motion and vibrating atrepparttar 103532 molecular level, you will understand that it is indeed a magnetic Universe and we can vibrate to our good and it can vibrate to us. I know without knowledge in this area, if may appear fantastic, but that is why I attempt to speak in simple terms to create understanding and acceptance in your minds.

How Do I Know?

What is my experience? In 20 years I have never looked for a client (and my clients arerepparttar 103533 largest corporations inrepparttar 103534 world). I never advertised, never actively promoted. And yet I became renowned in my field and received allrepparttar 103535 exposure and publicity I could want - not as a result of anything I did physically, but as a result ofrepparttar 103536 mental activity I learned to do. The physical part comes AFTER I receiverepparttar 103537 clients andrepparttar 103538 opportunities - that's when I fulfillrepparttar 103539 creative vision ofrepparttar 103540 client's projects. I attract all ofrepparttar 103541 ideas and elements necessary to dorepparttar 103542 perfect job. It's easy. It flows. I don't have to struggle or push or try or waste energy. The right answers truly "come out ofrepparttar 103543 blue" forrepparttar 103544 most part. You can find some pretty amazing stories on my website with details of my results from using these laws overrepparttar 103545 years. Butrepparttar 103546 actual marketing of my business - always receptive, never active, except to walk throughrepparttar 103547 doors that opened as a result ofrepparttar 103548 mental activity.

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