Content for Coders

Written by Daniel Robson

The one thing that any new Webmaster hears when searching for tips on how to improve their site is this: Content is King. And its true; good, high quality content is what gets other people interested in your site, and makes other webmasters link to you. However to me at least there is always far to much focus on what could be termed ‘online’ content rather thanrepparttar other sort, which can often yield as many, if not more, high quality one-way inbound links.

By ‘online’ content I am referring to items such as webpages. Good, solid copy that is useful both torepparttar 136574 visitor and also as search engine fodder. Of course you can never have enough of this, as it boosts both rankings inrepparttar 136575 search engines and word of mouth about your website (ie. Hyperlinks). But ‘offline’ content which can’t be viewed overrepparttar 136576 Internet can also make a huge impact on your online presence. In this, I refer mainly to any freely downloadable software you may have on your site.

I am what I would term a beginner programmer. I enjoy programming, seeing it more as a hobby than anything else. Sure, it would be great to go into as a full time job, but atrepparttar 136577 moment I’m just not that good. I’ve done several projects that have caught my interest, and releasedrepparttar 136578 vast majority as freeware. When I thought about making a site I considered putting them online to see if anyone was interested. So that’s what I did, and forgot about them for a few months. Then I found out about RoboSoft.

According torepparttar 136579 blurb: “RoboSoft is intended to submit software products to software archives. RoboSoft is a semiautomatic submitter… RoboSoft will fill all submission forms, track your login and password information for each site, search sites for your product etc…RoboSoft is a tool for professional submitters and senior developers. The main goal is Quality. We are automating only those processes that won't reducerepparttar 136580 submission quality.” This sounded interesting to me and so I created a company profile and PAD files for two of my applications, submitted to a few sites, and then promptly forgot about them again for a few weeks.

Don't Expect To Earn Fast Money Online

Written by Torgeir Sunnarvik

I've spentrepparttar last three years working towards actually earning money online. In most of that time period though,repparttar 136527 money has been leaving my wallet faster than it has been coming into my wallet.


In my first year online, I tried all kinds of "earn-money-fast opportunities" --- everything from MLM to turnkey websites. I hate to admit this, but if I didn't make any moneyrepparttar 136528 first couple of months after I had signed up for one of these programs, I just gave up and moved on torepparttar 136529 next opportunity.

Then I would beginrepparttar 136530 whole process all over again. I found a new site that promised to all who joined, that they would earn a lot of money fast, and they would earn their money without hard work.

I knowrepparttar 136531 truth now, it was just another line of bulls**t!!!!

Twelve months later, all I had to show for my first year online, was many wasted hours and lots of wasted money.


As I began my second year, I realized that I had to make my own website. I didn't know anything about HTML. And, I knew nothing about where to find a hosting company, or even why I needed one. Sorepparttar 136532 first six months of that second year, I was learningrepparttar 136533 basics of how to become a webmaster. I read through allrepparttar 136534 forums about web-mastering and SEO that I could find onrepparttar 136535 Internet, and tried to build a website that finally could make me some money.

I finally got my website up and running.

Forrepparttar 136536 first 8 months that I had my website, I did not earn any real money for all of my hard work. The worst thing that could happen to a person began to happen to me... I began to lose hope. I began to believe that making money fromrepparttar 136537 Internet was just a far-fetched dream that I could never attain on my own.

I was not alone. Hundreds of thousands of people have met or will meet this same crossroad in their Internet careers. Some will takerepparttar 136538 easy road and walk away from their dreams. Others will push on, not willing to let their dreams die.

I decided to push on.

I added new pages of content to my website every week. I exchanged links with other websites as often I could. Slowly and steadily,repparttar 136539 visitors were starting to come to my little corner ofrepparttar 136540 internet to browse and buy.

Inrepparttar 136541 early stages, I had 30-50 visitors each day. Then, I began to see 100-150 a day. And soon,repparttar 136542 first small amount of money was earned through my website.

Now it's 4 months after my first payday, andrepparttar 136543 traffic is still getting higher each week. Even though I'm not earning a whole lot of money now, I believe it's just a matter of time until I can leave my day job.

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