Constipation remedy using citrus juice

Written by Rudy Silva

Citrus Juices

Citrus juices are a constipation remedy that is an excellent way to stimulate your colon and other parts ofrepparttar body. Since your colon is less active at night, drinking juices as soon as you awaken and get up can stimulate strong peristaltic action and promote a bowel movement.


Lemons are filled with minerals, especially potassium, Vitamin C, and bioflavonoids. They have a cleansing action forrepparttar 142798 entire body.

Fresh lemon juice isrepparttar 142799 king of fruit juices. It contains citric acid, which acts inrepparttar 142800 body in a way no other juice does. First it acts onrepparttar 142801 liver to build up its enzymes so it can detoxify toxins inrepparttar 142802 blood. Then it combines with calcium to form soluble chemical substances. This makes it effective in removing kidney and pancreatic stones, plack build up along artery walls, and other calcium deposits that occur inrepparttar 142803 body.

Whenrepparttar 142804 liver, gallbladder, and pancreas are not working right, food digestion is affected. This in turn will create constipation.

Use lemons moderately since they break up oils during digestion and in our body they make oils less available to our cells and joints.

If you have lemon allergies or ulcers then you should avoid lemon juice. If you have arthritis lemons are not a good choice.

Why you should use fruits for constipation

Written by Rudy Silva

Fruits are made by nature and are a perfect food. They containrepparttar right balance of nutrients with distilled water. You gain enormous benefits from eating fruits especially if you eatrepparttar 142797 outer skin and eat them without cooking. They are easy to digest and absorb and do not stress your colon. In addition, they will help you relieve or eliminate your constipation.

Fruits contain fiber, which help to cleanse your colon and prevent constipation. Most fruits help providerepparttar 142798 body with minerals that helprepparttar 142799 body reduce acid as it is created. And most important of all, fruits help cleanserepparttar 142800 body of mucus slime that accumulates throughoutrepparttar 142801 body.

Fruits do not leave any slime residue inrepparttar 142802 body when eaten except when they have pesticides and preservatives in their outer skin. They do not ferment or putrefy in your colon, as do processed foods, dairy products and meats.

Choose your fruits carefully. They should be eaten when they are fully ripe. Do not eat them if they are under ripe or overripe. Inrepparttar 142803 under ripe condition they may be acidic and inrepparttar 142804 overripe conditionrepparttar 142805 many contain more natural sugar.

Fruits, vegetables, and grains contain fructooligosaccharides, FOS. It is this compound that helps to feedrepparttar 142806 good bacteria in your colon. Without an adequate supply of FOS, good bacteria will dwindle and bad bacteria will flourish.

Just Plain Fruits

Eat fruits throughoutrepparttar 142807 day but especially inrepparttar 142808 evening. This will help to promote a bowel movement inrepparttar 142809 morning. These arerepparttar 142810 fruits you should eat.

* Apples

* Apricots

* Avocados

* Bananas

* Blueberries

* Boysenberries

* Cantaloupes

* Cherries

* Figs and dates

* Grapes

* Lemons

* Papayas

* Peaches

* Pears

* Persimmons

* Plums

* Prunes

* Raspberries


Eat 3-4 apples a day to relieve constipation. It does not matter what type of apple you eat, but I like gala or Fuji apples since they are small and crisp.

It is best to use fresh organic apples when eating apples as a snack since you will not know what pesticides were used in growingrepparttar 142811 apples. If apples are not organic, it is better to peelrepparttar 142812 apple before eating.

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