Constipation and Toxicity

Written by Rudy Silva

Having regular constipation can lead to some serious illnesses. Fecal matter should move through your colon easily and in a given time. When fecal matter remains in your colon for days, your colon becomes toxic and spreads this toxicity into every part ofrepparttar body. Inrepparttar 113975 bloodstream, these toxins interfere withrepparttar 113976 deliver of oxygen torepparttar 113977 cells and tissues of your body.

If you have to strain and squeeze to have a bowel movement, you can damagerepparttar 113978 tissues inrepparttar 113979 lower part of your colon andrepparttar 113980 blood vessels in your legs.

Inrepparttar 113981 Past

Over 90 years ago and more, doctors knew aboutrepparttar 113982 importance of a clean colon. In 1908 Eli Metchnifoff, director ofrepparttar 113983 Pasteur Institute, was awardedrepparttar 113984 Nobel Prize for Medicine. His research showed that pathogenic colon bacteria, bad bacteria (I will cover this in a later chapter) produced toxic secretions and by products, which acted as slow poisoning ofrepparttar 113985 entire body.

Metchnifoff believed that toxic matter coming from your colon was responsible for every degenerating disease. His belief was so strong that he suggested that man’s life span was certainly cut in half when his colon was neglected and allowed to have excessive toxic producing bacteria.

In 1931 Dr. Joseph H. Greer, was telling his patients what to do to end constipation and how to prevent it. Today, nutritionists and other health practitioners are telling their clientsrepparttar 113986 same thing.

In his small book, The Drugless Road to Perfect Health, 1931, Joseph H. Greer, M.D. reminds his patients,

“You must have ‘roughage’ to makerepparttar 113987 bowels move freely. Concentrated food (processed foods) and constipation go hand in hand, (and) then pills (laxatives) are used. More constipation and more pills, it is a vicious circle with bad results. Don’t be afraid of cracked wheat, cornmeal, cut oats, raw cabbage, onions and celery. They are far better than refined flour andrepparttar 113988 package foods that floodrepparttar 113989 market. They may save some labor inrepparttar 113990 kitchen, but they produce constipation.”

Weight Loss

Written by Ratliff J

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