Conquering Confidence Killers for Small Business Success

Written by Peggie Arvidson-Dailey

Conquering Confidence Killers for Small Business Success

"The way to develop self-confidence is to dorepparttar thing you fear". -- William Jennings Bryan Whether you're generally a self-confident person, or someone continually plagued by self- doubt, you'll recognize some of these confidence killers if you: •Are overly dependent onrepparttar 103360 thoughts or opinions of others; •Avoid meeting new people because you're afraid you won't fit in, be liked, or be accepted; •Focus on unrealistic expectations ("I must do each job perfectly"; "If one person is unhappy then I have failed"); •Have an 'all-or-nothing' attitude; •Pay heed torepparttar 103361 internal and external naysayer; •Userepparttar 103362 word SHOULD most often in relationship to your business; •Assume that if you don't getrepparttar 103363 client, they didn't like you; •Assume that you must be as talkative, outgoing, friendly, smart, old, young, educated, attractive, as someone else in order to succeed; •Avoid implementing new ideas because they may not work; •Can recount all your shortcomings each day. Bankers will tell you that businesses fail because of lack of money. I assert that lack of money can be traced, in part, to a lack of confidence. As a trainer, motivator and a coach I see first handrepparttar 103364 affect that confidence has on an individual's or a group's success. By and large confidence grows from each small success that an individual takes towards reaching a goal. That is why I ask you to focus so much on goals and visions! When you know where you're going, you're going to gatherrepparttar 103365 tools and information you need to reach your destination. Your Turn - Prepare to overcome your fear. •Make a list of your personal confidence killers. Be as concise as possible. •Now make a list of ways that preparation can help you overcome your confidence killer. •Takerepparttar 103366 steps you outlined in section 2 above and write out solutions to your confidence killers. Lifestyle and mindset. 1.Who do you know that is successful or exudes self-confidence? What arerepparttar 103367 specific attributes they have that contribute to your perception of them? Write down those attributes and find ways to incorporate them into your daily routine. 2.Find a mentor or a coach whose goal is to see you succeed

How to run your greatest conference ever

Written by Graham Jones

Like most good achievements, a magnificent meeting depends on planning and preparation. These are essential to a good conference and this article explainsrepparttar basics of what you need to do.

Planning The first stage in organising any conference is planning. Your plan should start with these questions:

What do we want our audience to go home and say aboutrepparttar 103359 meeting, apart fromrepparttar 103360 fact that they had a great time? What isrepparttar 103361 key message we want our audience to remember? What action do we want our audience to take after attending this conference? In other words, start your planning with your meeting’s overall objectives. Write these objectives down and ensure that everyone involved knows them - from people who hand outrepparttar 103362 coffee torepparttar 103363 speakers themselves. The answers to these questions will be your mission statement forrepparttar 103364 meeting. You must have a clear set of simple objectives for your meeting otherwise it will fail.

Having set your objectives you will need to work out how you will achieve them. Challenge all your assumptions about your proposed conference. For instance:

Do you actually need a conference to achieve your objectives? Will some other kind of meeting or even no meeting do? Do you need one big meeting or a number of small, more intimate ones? Doesrepparttar 103365 meeting need to be a grand formal affair, or an informal get-together? In other words, just because you have been setrepparttar 103366 task of organising a conference, does not mean you have to! If there is an alternative, superior method of achieving your objectives, choose that route instead. Do not opt for a conference just because it seems a good idea.

Choose your key messages Assuming you have set your sights on a conference, you’ll now need to work out what messages you want to convey. These will arise from your mission statement. It is worthwhile noting, though, that there is plenty of research to back uprepparttar 103367 fact that your audience – no matter how expert – will only remember a handful of messages from your meeting. Typically,repparttar 103368 average conference day can only deliver four or five main messages. Once you have set out your key messages, work outrepparttar 103369 order in which these will make most sense. Try to produce a logical sequence so that one key message clearly comes out ofrepparttar 103370 previous one. This will make it much easier for your audience to rememberrepparttar 103371 meeting. Do not put your messages together in some kind of internal sequence, such as by company department. Instead, put your messages together that would be seen as logical byrepparttar 103372 audience. If you do not know what would be logical to them, you need to do some audience research to find out. Indeed, finding out as much as you can about your audience is essential to any meeting.

Describe your audience You now have a good idea as to what you want to say at your conference. But who will be listening? You need a definition of your audience that will help everyone involved. Your audience definition should describe a typical member ofrepparttar 103373 audience – age, gender, job title, work interests, personal likes and dislikes, professional qualifications etc. Together with your conference mission statement and your key messages, your audience description will provide you with a very clear outline of your meeting. Together these three items will tell you:

What you will say Why you will say it Who will be listening What they will do

Your audience description will also provide your speakers with a good guide as to what they need to say in order to get their message across.

You have now completed allrepparttar 103374 main parts of your initial planning and your need to move on to detailed preparation.

Preparing your conference The first stage of preparation is script writing. You need atrepparttar 103375 very least an outline script of your event. Often, people produce a conference programme that showsrepparttar 103376 timings andrepparttar 103377 list of speakers. But this is not enough. Your outline script needs to be much more than a simple programme. That’s because everyone involved inrepparttar 103378 conference needs to know exactly what will happen, when it will occur and how it will take place. Otherwise, it might not be possible to ensure you meet your conference mission.

Your script should start withrepparttar 103379 logical order of your key messages you produced inrepparttar 103380 planning stage. Then allocate some timing to each message. Generally, no key message should take longer than 20-30 minutes to deliver;repparttar 103381 human attention span is comparatively short and you’ll need plenty of breaks to keep your audience ‘alive’ and ‘fresh’. Also, at this stage, decide where to hold your long breaks, like coffee, lunch and so on. These long breaks should always come in your programme at dramatic points. You will want to leave your audience with something powerful to talk about so make surerepparttar 103382 key message delivered before a break is controversial, emotional or surprising in some way. This will keep your audience on their toes and wanting to come back intorepparttar 103383 room for more. This means you may well need to arrange breaks at unusual timings – don’t opt for coffee at 11am, for instance, because that is ‘normal’. Instead, put coffee immediately after a controversial message, even if it means breaking for coffee at 10.30 or 11.30. In other words, shape your meeting aroundrepparttar 103384 messages, not tradition. By arranging your timing in this way, you will be helping to ensurerepparttar 103385 maximum impact of your key messages and therefore supporting your conference mission. Your conference script can now have some detail added to it. For instance, you can now put some specific times onto your programme. These would includerepparttar 103386 length of each presentation,repparttar 103387 length of each link between talks andrepparttar 103388 timing of any music, video or other multimedia you are planning to include. In other words, your conference script that determines how long a video or a presentation will be – notrepparttar 103389 items that determinerepparttar 103390 programme timing. Essentially, you are working much like a TV producer; these people have fixed times available to them – 30 minutes, 50 minutes, an hour. What they have to do is fit allrepparttar 103391 music,repparttar 103392 dialogue and any breaks into that time – no less and no more. That’s what a professional conference script will be like – detailed timings of every item to be included. Far too many conferences decide what to include and then try to workrepparttar 103393 timings out afterwards.

Choosing your speakers Your preparation can now move on to deciding whom you should use as speakers. You will realise that you have done a great deal of work already, and thatrepparttar 103394 speakers will have to fit in with your plans ifrepparttar 103395 conference is to be a success. You do not need prima donnas who say they need an hour to give their talk when your script only allows 20 minutes. Nobody, absolutely nobody, is more important than your audience. Hence,repparttar 103396 script that has been prepared from their point of view is virtually sacrosanct. Speakers will need to berepparttar 103397 kind of people who will fit in with your requirements; you cannot allow yourself to fit your programme aroundrepparttar 103398 speakers. Otherwise, you will fail to meet your conference mission. To ensure that you getrepparttar 103399 right speakers, prepare yourself a ‘Speaker’s Contract’. This is a list of requirements that you have of your speakers. When you invite someone to speak, you let them sign up torepparttar 103400 contract; if they don’t like it, there are plenty of other speakers around. Professional speakers never have a problem with such contracts. In fact, they like them. Suitable speakers are those that can deliver your key messages – not necessarilyrepparttar 103401 most senior people inrepparttar 103402 business or an expert. Base your decision on who should speak based on their ability to communicate with your audience – not on any other measure. This means, for instance, thatrepparttar 103403 best person to get a particular message across might be a senior manager, rather thanrepparttar 103404 chief executive. This does not matter – what does matter is thatrepparttar 103405 audience getsrepparttar 103406 message, not who they get it from. Indeed, some large multinationals use actors to get important messages across, rather then senior executives.

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