Complementary Relational Linking and How It Could Save Your Internet Business

Written by Francisco Aloy

The concept of linking is that sites with common interests should link to drive more traffic to each other's businesses and to increase their "popularity." Search engines, such as Google, give much higher ranking to sites with high popularity. They feel that when many sites are linking to yours, it's a sign of ranking value.

The standard linking philosophy of most websites is to have a "links page" that piles allrepparttar link partners into one common pool, without any indexing. That type of link will only help you with SE ranking but not sales.

Next uprepparttar 120052 ladder isrepparttar 120053 links page that's indexed, making your website easier to find. A much better solution if you must have a links page.

Of course,repparttar 120054 best link inrepparttar 120055 world is when your partner puts you on his home page. I tell you, it's enough to make any Net Marketer go into involuntary spasms! However,repparttar 120056 chances of that scenario are slim to none!

That's not to say there isn't a middle ground betweenrepparttar 120057 above strategies. There is a better option: complementary/relational linking! As an example: Let's say your website sells only pencils and you link up with a partner that sells paper; that's complementary!

Relational linking then assigns a merit value to allrepparttar 120058 linking proposals, using these facts:

Page ranking: Is it more or less equal?

Search Engine Ranking: Do both partners have good positions?

Traffic: Isrepparttar 120059 traffic swap equal?

As can be seen, some ofrepparttar 120060 above quantities are interchangeable but shouldn't get inrepparttar 120061 way of judgingrepparttar 120062 merit value of each offer. Depending on each circumstance,repparttar 120063 varied partners will have a merit value that will give them more or less prominence on your website.

5 Ways To Automate Your Site

Written by Larry Johnson

Automating your online business is one ofrepparttar most important steps you can take to insure your success onrepparttar 120051 internet.

If you have been onrepparttar 120052 internet for any time at all, you know that there are just too many tasks to do each day to be really efficient and productive with them all.

Learning to delegate some of those routine, daily activities is one way to insure your site's success and to give you much more time inrepparttar 120053 day forrepparttar 120054 most important task which is that of promotion and marketing your site.



Probably one ofrepparttar 120055 best-known and popular ways to handle routine messages to inquirers isrepparttar 120056 use of auto-responders.

It is simple and easy to set up your messages which usually involve several follow-up messages to remind your visitors what you are offering and how to find your site again.

Here are some free ones: (ad free also.)'


If you are trying to run your own newsletter, handlingrepparttar 120057 process by yourself can eat up a lot of valuable time.

Inrepparttar 120058 beginning this may be possible, but as your list grows andrepparttar 120059 tasks involved keep multiplying, your time demands will increase also.

There are lots of ways to manage a mailing list including installing your own scripts and purchasing your own software.

Weighrepparttar 120060 pros and cons, but be sure and check outrepparttar 120061 possibility of *farming out*repparttar 120062 responsibility to a mailing list service.

Here are some to consider: (free and paid versions) (free and paid versions)

Free ones include:


There are many software options available depending upon your work online.

Here are some possible software applications available. Just do a search online.

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