Complaints in the Workplace – The Fine Art of Complaining

Written by How well you deliver complaints may not only dictate the end results of the specific situation, but could set the tone for how your employer and co-workers view you as a team player....

How well you deliver complaints may not only dictaterepparttar end results ofrepparttar 106989 specific situation, but could setrepparttar 106990 tone for how your employer and co-workers view you as a team player....

We all run into situations about which we are not pleased, and in many cases have a need to voice our dissatisfaction to someone, either to vent or to achieve satisfaction. This is called “complaining,” and how well you deliver complaints may not only dictaterepparttar 106991 end results ofrepparttar 106992 specific situation, but could setrepparttar 106993 tone for how your employer and co-workers view you as a team player.

Most of us do not like chronic complainers – in fact, most of us don’t like complainers chronic or not. Did you ever stop to wonder why?

People have a right to voice their displeasure – it is most often in their best interest to do so and in many cases complaints arerepparttar 106994 catalyst torepparttar 106995 improvement of a product, system, service or process. So, what is it we don’t like aboutrepparttar 106996 process of complaining,repparttar 106997 complaints orrepparttar 106998 complainers?

I think we can get torepparttar 106999 heart ofrepparttar 107000 matter by examiningrepparttar 107001 definition ofrepparttar 107002 two words, complaints and complain.

Complaints are defined as expressions of pain, dissatisfaction, or resentment or a cause or reason for complaining; a grievance. Complain is defined as an act to express feelings of pain, dissatisfaction, or resentment, or an act to make a formal accusation or bring a formal charge.

If a complaint always remainedrepparttar 107003 simple expression of dissatisfaction, we probably wouldn’t have much trouble. So what isrepparttar 107004 problem then – I believe it is summed up in one word “Accusation”. Many people feel in order to voice complaints they must also findrepparttar 107005 reason andrepparttar 107006 fault forrepparttar 107007 bad situation.

Most assertiveness training specialists will tell you to always state your concerns inrepparttar 107008 form of what they call “I Statements,” relating onlyrepparttar 107009 impact ofrepparttar 107010 offending actions on you, never making an accusation or blaming anyone for your discomfort or lack of satisfaction.

So, then let’s take an objective look at this – it’s ok to be dissatisfied and it’s ok to voice dissatisfaction torepparttar 107011 appropriate place or person – what isn’t ok?

It’s not appropriate to layrepparttar 107012 blame for your dissatisfaction on a person or on something for which an individual is responsible. An accusation in whatever form is most likely to offend. It’s pretty easy to understand then that your concern should be couched in some way that does not hint of an accusation or a threat.

From observing people overrepparttar 107013 years, many people feel if they take their complaints first torepparttar 107014 highest level of authorityrepparttar 107015 results will be faster and more satisfactory. I actually believe this is very untrue and is atrepparttar 107016 heart of many common workplace disputes.

Time to start a new career?

Written by Ingela Berger

Your career choices might need reconsideration when your career offers few opportunities to personal development and you find it hard to get out of bed inrepparttar morning. Then it might berepparttar 106988 right time to consider new career choices, working at home, starting your own business or a new education.

What we do in our daily life is very important. If we are to spend more than 60% of our waking time at work or travelling to or home from work, it better be a job we like. If it isn't, we are better off making new plans and new career choices for a different future, a different career. And all good changes start with planning.

Do you want to work at home ? Would you like to work from your own living room, decide your own working hours, maybe work byrepparttar 106989 computer? Are you looking for a way to start your own home based business?

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