Comparing Classic and Modern Corporate and Personal Development Programs

Written by Dr. Jason Armstrong

Inrepparttar 1990s Stephen Covey’s name became famous throughrepparttar 137565 publication ofrepparttar 137566 “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”. As many knowrepparttar 137567 “7 habits” are not a group of new concepts but age-old approaches to success represented in a way that can be clearly applied to modern day personal and corporate development. These precepts are taught in a number of ancient development, and achievement arts which have been practiced for thousands of years. Although many of these concepts have been lost and misinterpreted, they exist and can be translated in non-extreme forms, from such arts as: Zen (which is not a religion, but a path for self discovery and growth),repparttar 137568 “Art of War” by Sun Tzu (the classic text on strategy which is often regarded asrepparttar 137569 most definitive text onrepparttar 137570 topic), andrepparttar 137571 Tao de Ching (the “book of change”).

Profound lessons for leadership, change, victory and non-conflict have arisen from bodies of work such asrepparttar 137572 “Art of War”, becauserepparttar 137573 learnings came from life and death scenarios. Obviously today’s corporate world does not induce a mechanism for change, and success, anywhere near as strong as these ancient arts asrepparttar 137574 consequence of failure is far less. This is why groups such asrepparttar 137575 Samurai, and post-war Corporate Japan, adopted highly refined lessons from Chinese Zen andrepparttar 137576 “Art of War”. However, modern Asia is very different from its past. Today such cultures as Japan often see an environment which is one ofrepparttar 137577 most materialistic and rapid success oriented cultures around, quite a contrast to its approaches ofrepparttar 137578 past. Today many Western corporate cultures are now embracing past strategies to avoid conflict and gain success.

The strategy text “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu, is often incorrectly viewed as an aggressive approach to victory. However, it is essentially a master text on “Conflict Management” and “Win-Win” scenarios (“Win-Win”, habit 4 of Stephen Covey). It also discusses partnering in detail (“Synergize”, habit 6 of Stephen Covey), project planning (“begin withrepparttar 137579 end in mind”, habit 2 of Stephen Covey) and has many direct relationships to goal attainment in corporate and personal development contexts.

One Cover Letter Secret You Can't Afford To Miss

Written by Jimmy Sweeney

Suppose you wererepparttar hiring manager, your desk piled high with cover letters and resumes to sort through. Which ofrepparttar 137564 following cover letter greetings would grab your attention?

Example #1:

Dear Sirs: Dear Sir/Madam: Dear Gentlemen: To whom it may concern:

Example #2:

Dear Manager: Dear HR Director: Dear Human Resources:

Example #3:

Dear Mrs. Thomas: Dear Mr. Friedman: Dear Sally Williams:

Clearly Example #3 isrepparttar 137565 best ofrepparttar 137566 bunch becauserepparttar 137567 job-seeker has taken time to find out your name and to spell it correctly.

Consider how you'd feel if you received a cover letter that said Dear Sir or Madam, or worse yet, 'To whom it may concern.' No one will be concerned if you address your cover letter to no one in particular!

Remember, there is nothing as sweet torepparttar 137568 ear asrepparttar 137569 sound of ones name.

Exercise this simple secret and your cover letter will rise torepparttar 137570 top ofrepparttar 137571 pile!

"But I don't know who to address my cover letter to!"

If you don't have this information, take time to get it. Callrepparttar 137572 company. For jobs posted online this may be a challenge. But still, gorepparttar 137573 extra mile. Then atrepparttar 137574 very least address your letter torepparttar 137575 appropriate entity. Example: Hiring manager; HR Director; etc.

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