Communication – Then and Now

Written by Rosalyn Bronstein

If you think about what life must have been like 150 years ago, when long distance communication meant putting pen to paper, it’s astonishing to think about how far we’ve come. Today, many people will tell you they feel positively naked without a cell phone dangling fromrepparttar hip, and a palm pilot or Blackberry inrepparttar 111121 pocket. Handbags are now specially designed with these and similar items in mind. These are “can’t do withouts”, and we haven’t even touched onrepparttar 111122 computer.

The coming of electronic media was certainly revolutionary. People now had choices of how they were going to get – and give – their news. I remember growing up in a large house, with an entire room devoted torepparttar 111123 telephone. There was a small desk, chair, lamp, and telephone. Nothing more.

Inrepparttar 111124 21st Century, this seems like a way to converse straight out ofrepparttar 111125 Middle Ages, as we walk around with phone in hand. And by using voice over Internet Protocol,repparttar 111126 computer is converted into an inexpensive phone. Voice sounds are compressed into data packets and sent withoutrepparttar 111127 need for traditional phone lines.

But what about those times when you want to send a written message, but don’t fancy having to involverepparttar 111128 post office. Well, that’s covered, too, which is why e-mail has come of age. Although fairly new, e-mail is already experiencing massive problems – spam, unwanted advertising, and computer viruses – due to unscrupulous people whose aim is to hurt and/or profit unethically.

Homes And The Multiple Listing Service

Written by Mario Giordani

Million of people call an agent each year and list their homes without knowing very much about how agents actually gets that qualified buyer. In fact most people don't realize that listing agents only sell about 5% of all listed homes! Selling agents take care ofrepparttar rest. There is a difference between "listing" agent and "selling agent" One lists,repparttar 111120 other sells.

Most home sales actually take place through a huge database of homes calledrepparttar 111121 Multiple Listing Service, or MLS. Your listing agent, by virtue of his or her membership, places your home intorepparttar 111122 MLS for maximum exposure and probably 9 out of 10, your homes gets sold by an agent other thanrepparttar 111123 one you listed with. Some people then question: why have a listing agent anyway and payrepparttar 111124 extra commission?

The simple answer is: a listing agent can be of great value, especially when dealing with difficult transactions. They also pay for a lot ofrepparttar 111125 advertising and promotion that helps sell a home. Yet,repparttar 111126 MLS isrepparttar 111127 most effective marketing tool of all.

Some people are now electing to use flat fee MLS services to list their homes prior to going "full listing" with anyone. Reason: 50% savings in real estate commissions! That means that if you have a home priced at $200,000 x 6% (customary commission), you'd pay $12,000 plus closing costs when it's all said and done atrepparttar 111128 title company. With flat fee services, where you gain access torepparttar 111129 highly effective MLS system and even, you get to pay only 2.5-3.0% commission torepparttar 111130 agent who "actually" produces a buyer. This means you need to open your own door yourself and showrepparttar 111131 home without a listing agent. If you can handle that, you could be on your way to huge savings. That $200,000 home, when sold, would now only require 3% commission so your savings are substantial: $6,000!

Flat fees are usually between $299-$599 and every bit worth it. You get your home exposed to thousands of agents, some 900,000 total if you count, plus your local MLS. A state-licensed broker doesrepparttar 111132 listing so everything is legal. Some brokers will even help you with difficult transactions for a scaleable fee, say, and an extra 1%. Others will even give you cash back when you purchase your new home! Real estate commissions have become more flexible andrepparttar 111133 Internet has allowedrepparttar 111134 small guy to getrepparttar 111135 word out that you don't have to pay 6% to sell your home. You can sell it by owner while perusingrepparttar 111136 MLS atrepparttar 111137 same time. Sell by owner, pay no commission, sell viarepparttar 111138 MLS, and pay 3% plusrepparttar 111139 upfront flat fees mentioned above.

One site in particular gives you a 100% free report that you can download and learn all about flat fee methods of selling your home plus a lot more. You can downloadrepparttar 111140 report at without any obligation.

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