Common Spam Emails

Written by Lee Dobbins

Spam comes in many forms and spammers will pull out allrepparttar stops to try to trick you into clicking on their email and hopefully making a purchase. Below are some ofrepparttar 139240 most common forms that spam comes in – how many of them do you recognize?

Application Accepted – These emails are supposed to make you think that your loan or other application has been accepted. Of course, you won’t be fooled by this if you never applied for anything online.

Business Opportunity - These arerepparttar 139241 emails that claim you can make thousands with little effort. Like most anything else, if it sounds too good to be true it probably is.

Chain Letters - Do you have a friend that relentlessly forwards you these emails? Not only do they suck up internet bandwidth and disk space, but they can potentially be a way for spammers to get your email address.

Those Annoying Spam Emails

Written by Lee Dobbins

Commonly referred to as spam, unsolicited commercial email is becoming a big problem today. If you’ve ever had your email address on a spam list, then you know how annoying it is to have to wade through dozens of advertisements to get torepparttar mail you want to read. Although there are laws in place, it is unlikely that people who send spam will adhere to these laws so your best defense is to filter as much of it as you can through software and protect your email address from being added to more lists.

What Spam Looks Like

Usuallyrepparttar 139239 emails are from some fake looking name and many of them may have subjects that try to lure you into opening them by promising a stock tip, pretending to be your friend or acting like they need information for an application that you never filled out. When you get an email like this that seems suspicious it is best to just delete it.

How Did They Get Your Address In The First Place?

Sadly enough, most spammers got your email address because you gave it to them! Sometimes when you order something your email gets sold to a list, but most times it is harvested from a web site. If you have your email listed in an online advertisement, on a website or have published it in a forum, it is likely that it will be harvested for one of these lists.

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